Thursday, August 26, 2010

Muslim Masuk Kristen (Anuar-Malaysia)

Kesaksian Saudara Anuar amatlah istimewa sekali. Beliau telah mengalami realiti kekuasaan ilahi Tuhan yang cukup hebat di dalam hidupnya. Sebelum itu, saudara Anuar telah mengharungi keperitan hidup yang cukup keras dan berat baginya serta keluarganya. Beberapa petikan nas dari catatan Injil Sayidina Isa al-Masih telah menolong beliau mencapai ketenangan hati dan juga pelepasan jiwa yang sangat indah lagi memuaskan dalam pencarian Anuar, yang sebelum ini, beliau tidak pernah kenali. Juga, boleh dikatakan ada cukup ramai umat bangsa Melayu yang terjerumus ke dalam jurang yang sama seperti Anuar.

Walaupun begitu, saudara Anuar terdapat juga dilepaskan daripada 'neraka' tersebut dan segala ini hanya boleh dirujukkan kepada kuasa ilahi Allah yang tidak terbanding, sepertimana yang sudah terkandung dalam pelayanan Sayidina Isa semasa baginda berada di atas muka Bumi ini!

Di antara petikan daripada peristiwa pelayanan Isa al-Masih adalah seperti nas-nas berikut.

Lukas Bab 5: 12-13 - Sayidina Isa al-Masih sembuhkan seorang berpenyakit kusta.

12 Pada suatu kali Sayidina Isa berada di sebuah bandar. Terdapat seorang yang berpenyakit kusta. Apabila dia melihat Isa, dia meniarap lalu memohon kepada-Nya, "Tuan, jikalau Tuan mahu, Tuan berkuasa untuk menyembuhkan saya." 13 Lalu Isa pun menghulurkan tangan-Nya dan menyentuh dia sambil berkata, "Saya mahu. Sembuhlah engkau!" Seketika itu juga, penyakit kustanya hilang.

Lukas 5: 17-26 Isa al-Masih Mengampuni dosa-dosa seorang berpenyakit lumpuh.

17 Pada suatu hari ketika Isa mengajar orang, ada beberapa orang Farisi dan ahli Taurat duduk di situ. Mereka telah datang dari setiap bandar di jajahan Galilea dan Judea dan juga dari Baitulmuqaddis. Kuasa Allah ada pada Isa untuk menyembuhkan orang. 18 Beberapa orang mengusung seorang yang lumpuh dan mereka mencari jalan untuk membawanya ke dalam rumah untuk meletakkannya di hadapan Isa. 19 Oleh sebab mereka tidak dapat membawanya masuk kerana orang bersesak-sesak, mereka naik ke bumbung rumah lalu membuka genting untuk menurunkan orang itu dengan tikarnya di tengah-tengah orang ramai di hadapan Isa.

20 Apabila Isa melihat iman mereka, Dia berkata kepada orang lumpuh itu, "Saudara, dosa-dosamu diampunkan."

21 Ahli-ahli Taurat dan orang Farisi mula berkata sesama diri, "Siapakah orang ini yang menghina Allah? Siapakah yang dapat mengampunkan dosa kecuali Allah sahaja?" 22 Tetapi Isa mengetahui fikiran mereka, lalu berkata kepada mereka, "Mengapakah kamu memikirkan perkara sedemikian? 23 Yang manakah lebih mudah? - mengatakan 'Dosa-dosamu diampunkan' atau 'Bangunlah dan berjalan?'

24 Tetapi, supaya kamu ketahui bahawa Anak manusia berkuasa di bumi ini untuk mengampunkan dosa..." - Dia berkata kepada orang lumpuh itu, "Aku berkata kepadamu, bangunlah, angkat tikar engkau dan pulang ke rumah!" 25 Seketika itu juga, dia bangun di hadapan mereka sekalian. Dia mengangkat tikar di mana dia berbaring tadi lalu pulang dan memuji Allah. 26 Semua orang tercengang-cengang dan memuji Allah dengan perasaan takut sambil berkata, "Pada hari ini kami sudah menyaksikan hal yang ajaib!"

Selain daripada umat Yahudi Israel, Sayidina Isa juga telah melayani dan selamatkan umat-umat bukan Yahudi, seperti Pegawai Tentera bangsa Roma itu dan juga hambanya, dalam Lukas 7: 1-10.

Bab 7 Setelah Isa habis memperkatakan semua perkara ini kepada orang ramai, Dia pergi ke Kapernaum. 2 Terdapat seorang hamba ketua askar yang amat disayangi oleh tuannya; hamba itu sedang sakit tenat dan hampir mati. 3 Apabila ketua askar itu mendengar tentang Isa, dia menyuruh beberapa pemimpin masyarakat Yahudi mendapatkan Isa untuk meminta-Nya datang menyembuhkan hambanya itu.

4 Ketika pemimpin-pemimpin itu mendapatkan Isa, mereka memohon-Nya bersungguh-sungguh, "Tolonglah kabulkan permintaannya kerana dia patut ditolong. 5 Dia mengasihi bangsa kita dan dia telah mendirikan sebuah balai sembahyang untuk kita." 6 Lalu Isa pun pergi bersama-sama dengan mereka. Tatkala Dia tidak berapa jauh dari rumah, ketua askar itu menyuruh beberapa orang sahabat memberitahu Sayidina Isa, "Tuan, tak usah Tuan menyusahkan diri ke rumah saya kerana saya tidak layak. 7 Saya juga tidak layak datang untuk menemui Tuan. Memadailah Tuan memberikan perintah sahaja dan hamba saya itu akan sembuh. 8 Saya pun di bawah perintah orang atasan dan saya ada askar di bawah perintah saya. Saya memerintah seseorang, 'Pergilah!' dan dia akan pergi; saya memerintah seorang lagi, 'Datang!' dan dia akan datang. Saya memerintah seorang hamba, 'Buat kerja ini!' dan dia akan melakukannya."

9 Isa hairan mendengar ini lalu Dia berpaling kepada orang ramai yang mengikut-Nya sambil berkata, "Aku berkata kepadamu bahawa antara bangsa Israel sekalipun belum pernah Aku melihat orang yang beriman seteguh ini." 10 Apabila mereka yang disuruh itu kembali ke rumah ketua askar Rom itu, mereka mendapati hamba itu telah sembuh.

Banyak lagi mangsa-mangsa penyakit lain yang telah diampuni dan disembuh oleh Sayidina Isa, termasuk juga mereka yang dirasuki syaitan dan iblis. Peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut banyak dicatat lagi dalam Injil catitan Lukas ini. Tetapi marilah kita membaca tentang bagimana saudara Anuar sendiri telah diberkati anugerah Allah Bapa dan kasih kurnia-Nya melalui Penebusnya, Sayidina Isa al-Masih!

Assalamu-alaikum. Saudara-saudaraku, nama saya adalah Anuar. Saya seorang Melayu dari Malaysia. Saya berasal dari keluarga Islam dan dibesarkan sebagai seorang Muslimin sejak kecil lagi. Walaupun begitu, pegangan Islam saya tidak dapat lindungi saya daripada pengaruh-pengaruh negatif dan yang kurang memanfaatkan semasa saya semakin meningkat umur sebagai seorang lelaki.

Sebagai insan yang mengalami asam-garam hidup yang begitu menarik, saya juga telah tertarik kepada unsur-unsur kehidupan yang agak menyeronokkan dan yang mungkin dapat melegakan bebanan dan perasaan kepahitan dalam hidup ini. Walaupun saya seorang Muslim, tetapi keagamaan serta pengajaran Islam saya itu tidak dapat menolong saya menangani cabaran-cabaran serta godaan hidup yang telah saya mengharungi.

Untuk menolong saya melupakan pengalaman-pengalaman yang pahit saya juga telah cuba 'bereksperimen' dengan mengambil dadah. Pada mula-mulanya, ia hanya sekadar cuba-cuba sahaja. Dari jenis dadah yang agak 'lemah' sehingga jenis yang lebih kuat 'kick atau oomphnya' telah dicubai oleh saya.

Pendek kata, tidak lama kemudian. saya telah terjerumus ke dalam ketagihan najis dadah ini. Mula-mulanya, agak seronok juga menjamah dan merasai dadah itu. Itulah sebabnya saya tidak mengindahkan amaran-amaran tentang padahnya yang amat berat itu! Tidak lama kemudian, ketagihan kepada najis dadah ini semakin lebih mencekikkan bahkan menjadi satu bebanan berat yang tidak dapat saya melepaskan.

Saya telah terpaksa mencari dos-dos dadah lebih kerap untuk memuaskan nafsu itu. Kekerapan itu menjadikan saya seperti binatang buas yang sentiasa memburu mangsa yang boleh membekalkan saya dengan dadah atau pun wang-duit yang dapat memperolehi sumber dadah itu. Ketagihan itu telah mengongkong saya ketahap keresahan, kerisauan dan kedesakan yang amat sangat. Akhir kata, saya telah melakukan berbagai kegiatan-kegiatan jenayah untuk memperolehi wang dan sebagainya untuk mendapati dadah yang saya amat perlukan itu.

Pada satu hari, saya telah ditangkap oleh kerana kegiatan-kegiatan saya itu. Mereka telah menghantar saya ke pusat pemulihan untuk cuba mengubati 'penyakit' ketagihan saya ini. Sebagai seorang Islam, saya telah cuba berdoa dan bertaubat dan juga dirawati secara Islam, supaya saya sesungguhnya dapat dipulihkan daripada ketagihan najis dadah itu. Tetapi malangnya, semakin saya melakukan hal-hal itu, semakin ketat dan terkongkong saya merasai rantai-rantai ketagihan dadah telah mengikat jiwa saya!

Tidak lama kemudian, saya pun dilepaskan dari tempat tersebut, dengan harapan memulakan cara hidup yang baru dan yang bebas daripada kongkongan dan ikatan kepada ketagihan dadah. Tetapi walaupun begitu, saya masih tidak bebas daripada pengaruh ketagihan dadah itu. Dengan begitu mudahnya saya telah jerumus kembali kepada cara hidup yang lama, yaitu mencari dadah, rokok berganja dan sebagainya untuk puaskan nafsu dadah - kerana saya masih belum lagi bebas dari ikatannya bahkan ketagihannya masih lagi mendadak.

Selain dari itu, saya juga telah kembali melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan jenayah yang lebih serius dan merbahaya-untuk mendapat wang bagi membiayai ketagihan saya itu. Akhirnya, saya ditangkap sekali lagi, kini oleh pihak polis. Akibatnya, saya dimasuki ke Penjara sebagai hukuman jenayah itu. Hidup saya semakin pahit waktu menjalani hukuman penjara itu. Bukan saja saya terasa terkutuk dan kotor akibat najis dadah, semua ahli keluarga saya telah meninggalkan saya. Hanya Tuhan saja yang dapat fahami perasaan keresahan hati dan kekeciwaan saya kerana sudah tersisih oleh kawan-kawan saya dan juga pengabaian anggota keluarga saya itu!

Dalam keadaan itu, saya mulai mencari jalan keluar, yaitu jalan untuk dilepaskan dari jerat penjara dan 'penjara neraka' yang kini saya sedang mengharungi. Saya telah dengar dari penghuni-penghuni sepenjara yang lain bahwa, ada harapan untuk saya, mula-mula saya tidak mempercayai mereka. Tetapi saya telah pun melihat beberapa di antara banduan-banduan tersebut betul-betul berbeda daripada para penghuni penjara yang lain.

Saya pun telah mendekati mereka untuk mengetahui apakah rahsia pelepasan mereka dan pembebasan mereka daripada ikatan rantai serta penghambaan kepada ketagihan dadah. Dan saya dapat tahu satu hakikat yang sama diantara mereka semua. Nampaknya rahsianya ialah semua para penghuni penjara bersama saya, yang BEBAS DARIPADA KETAGIHAN DADAH, ialah penganut Kristian semuanya!

Dalam kedesakan saya, saya pun amat inginkan pembebasan daripada ketagihan yang sudah cukup lama ini mengikat hidup saya. Saya telah mengkaji dengan dalamnya ajaran-ajaran Nabi Isa alaihisalam dan Kitab Injil Baginda secara ikhlas dan dengan hati serta minda yang terbuka. Selain daripada ayat-ayat diatas yang telah saya renungi dan mengkaji, ada juga nas-nas seperti berikut :

Isa meneduhkan ribut - Injil Lukas 8 ayat 22-25 :

22 Pada suatu hari Isa bersama-sama dengan pengikut-pengikut-Nya menaiki sebuah perahu. Isa berkata kepada mereka, "Marilah kita pergi ke seberang tasik." Lalu mereka bertolak. 23 Ketika mereka sedang berlayar, Isa tidur. Angin ribut bertiup ke tasik itu dan perahu itu pun dimasuki air sehingga mereka cemas. 24 Isa bangun lalu menengking angin dan ombak yang kencang itu. Ribut itu pun berhenti dan menjadi teduh. 25 Mereka pergi kepada Isa dan mengejutkan-Nya. Mereka berkata, "Tuan, Tuan, perahu kita hampir tenggelam." "Siapakah orang ini sehingga angin dan air menurut perintah-Nya?" Isa berkata kepada mereka, "Di manakah imanmu?" Mereka pun takut dan hairan serta berkata sesama sendiri,

Saya sangat tertarik kepada ayat-ayat Injil yang berikut, yang menjelaskan pergumulan saya secara rohani dan peribadi, malah amat mirip dengan pengalaman saya sendiri bergumul dengan pengikatan ketagihan dadah atas jiwa dan raga saya.

Isa menyembuhkan seorang yang dirasuk roh jahat - Injil Lukas 8 : 26 - 39

26 Mereka berlayar ke wilayah Gerasa yang berseberangan dengan Tasik Galilea. 2728 Setelah Isa mendarat, seorang lelaki dari bandar itu datang menemui-Nya. Orang itu telah dirasuk roh jahat dan sudah lama dia tidak berpakaian. Dia tidak tinggal di rumahnya lagi tetapi di gua kubur. Ketika dia melihat Isa, dia berteriak lalu sujud di hadapan-Nya dan berkata dengan suara yang lantang, "Mengapakah Engkau mengganggu aku, ya Isa, Anak Allah Yang Maha Tinggi? Aku minta janganlah seksa aku." 29 Dia berkata demikian kerana Isa telah memerintah roh jahat itu keluar daripadanya. Dia seringkali dikuasai oleh roh jahat itu. Oleh sebab itu, dia dikawal ketat dan tangan serta kakinya dirantai orang. Tetapi dia dapat memutuskan rantai itu dan dibawa oleh roh jahat ke padang gurun. 30 Isa bertanya kepadanya, "Siapakah namamu?" Dia menjawab, "Legiun" kerana dia telah dirasuk oleh banyak roh jahat. 31 Roh-roh jahat itu memohon kepada Isa supaya tidak menghalau mereka ke neraka.

32 Kebetulannya, di bukit itu ada sekawan babi sedang makan. Roh-roh jahat itu memohon kepada Isa supaya Dia membenarkan mereka masuk ke dalam babi-babi itu dan Isa membenarkannya. 33 Roh-roh jahat itu keluar daripada orang tadi dan masuk ke dalam babi. Kemudian kawanan babi itu menyerbu ke tempat curam dan terjun ke dalam tasik lalu mati lemas.

34 Setelah penjaga-penjaga babi itu menyaksikan apa yang telah terjadi, mereka berlari untuk menyebarkan hal itu di bandar dan di kampung-kampung sekitarnya. 35 Orang ramai pun keluar untuk melihat apa yang telah terjadi. Mereka datang kepada Isa dan mendapati orang yang telah dibebaskan daripada roh jahat itu duduk di kaki Isa dengan berpakaian dan sudah siuman. Oleh itu, mereka pun ketakutan.

36 Orang yang telah menyaksikan kejadian itu menceritakan kepada mereka bagaimana orang yang dirasuk roh jahat itu telah disembuhkan. 37 Lalu semua penduduk wilayah Gerasa meminta Isa supaya meninggalkan mereka kerana mereka ketakutan. Isa pun menaiki perahu untuk pulang. 38 Orang yang telah dibebaskan daripada roh jahat itu meminta Isa membenarkan dia mengikut bersama-sama dengan-Nya tetapi Isa menyuruh dia pulang 39 dan berkata, "Pulanglah ke rumahmu dan khabarkan segala perbuatan Allah untukmu." Orang itu pergi menyebarkan segala perbuatan Isa untuknya di seluruh bandar itu.

Ya saudaraku yang dikasihi, pengalaman saya dengan ketagihan itu dadah mirip seperti dirasuki oleh sejenis roh yang jahat. Saya telah didorongi dan dipaksa melakukan macam-macam jenayah serta kegiatan-kegiatan yang jahat, hanya untuk memuaskan ketagihan dadah saya itu. Tetapi sebenarnya ia tidak pernah 'dipuaskan' tetapi sebaliknya telah menjadi semakin mendadak, hari demi hari, minggu demi minggu, bulan demi bulan.

Walaupun saya dulunya seorang Muslim, dan telah cuba sedaya upaya diubat dan dirawati secara Islam, ia tidak berhasil seperti mana saya telah harapkan - yakni untuk benar-benar dilepaskan dari kongkongan dan pengaruh dadah yang laknat itu! Dan ini bukan hanya pengalaman saya seorang, tetapi pengalaman sangat ramai orang beragama Islam lain yang ketagih najis dadah. Sesungguhnya, ini adalah satu jerat dan perangkap jiwa dan raga yang amat siksakan!

Kini, saya berucap syukur Alhamdulillah dan Hallelujah kepada Sayidina Isa Al-Masih yang satu-satunya telah memberi pelepasan kepada saya, dari pengaruh dan ketagihan najis dadah itu. Sekarang segala rantai dan ikatan ketagihan dadah yang telah cukup lama menghambakan saya kepadanya serta kepada satu cara hidup yang begitu menghinakan, semua rantai-rantai tersebut sudah pun dimusnahkan oleh Rabbi Sayidina Isa dan kuasa Baginda!

Sesudah mencuba rawatan cara lama yaitu Islam, yang telah gagal membawa apa-apa hasil yang benar-benar bermanfaat, saya tidak sekali pun menyesal menaruh kepercayaan serta iman saya di dalam tangan dan kuasa Sayidina Isa Al-Masih - yang sesungguhnya memiliki segala kuasa, kekuatan dan kebolehan yang benar-benar ilahi untuk melepaskan mereka yang benar-benar mengingini suatu hidup baru. Inilah pengalaman hidup saya yang benar dan tidak dapat dinafikan.

Hal yang menarik sekali dalam pengalaman ini ialah saya tidak sekali pun diberi apa-apa makanan atau meminum 'holy water' dan sebagainya dalam pemulihan saya daripada ketagihan dadah. Hanya iman saya, keyakinan dan kepatuhan kepada sabda Sayidina Isa dan kuasa firman Baginda telah telah mengangkat saya keluar daripada ngarai gelap dan jerat dadah itu dengan sepenuhnya! Sebenarnya, ura-ura kononnya umat Kristian mengguna 'holy water' atau 'air suci' untuk mengumpan dan mempengaruhi orang-orang Islam adalah suatu pembohongan tidak berasas sama sekali!

Malangnya ada umat Islam yang tidak bertanggung jawab yang suka mewar-warkan heboh yang tidak berasas ini untuk mengelirukan umat Islam sendiri. Satu lagi kekarutan yang lazim dihebohkan oleh mereka ialah 'holy water'/air suci ini diperbuat di Vatican City, Roma! Saya mengakui ada banyak orang Islam, yang mempercayai kepada kekarutan seperti itu dan masih menjadikan itu sebagai pegangan mereka. Itulah sebab dan punca bagi banyak lagi kesalah-fahaman kita terhadap ajaran-ajaran Sayidina Isa dan Injilnya yang sebenar.

Banyak sekali 'kecurigaan' umat Islam terhadap ajaran Kristian tidak berasas langsung atau pun berlandaskan kepada kekarutan belaka. Dan kekarutan ini berasas kepada pra-sangka, buruk sangka dan salah-tafsiran mengenai ajaran Isa yang begitu ketara. Isu 'holy water' di atas adalah salah satu dalil jelas yang membuktikan kekarutan yang masih dianuti oleh sesetengah pihak umat Islam yang masih sangat jahil.

Jika kita sesungguhnya memihak kepada kebenaran, saya harap kita boleh dengan lebih cerdas lagi cuba memahami ajaran-ajaran Kristian dengan sikap yang jauh lebih terbuka. Marilah kita benar-benar mengadakan dialog dan perbincangan dua-hala tanpa prasangka yang tidak berasas, tanpa agenda atau hasrat lain yang dirahsiakan. Saya kira hanya dengan pengkajian dan permuafakatan dua-hala yang terbuka seperti ini, dapat kita benar-benar mencungkil kesalahfahaman di antara umat kita bersama, dan juga membina rukun hidup bersama-sama antara-umat yang beragama yang saling hormat-menghormati.

Bagi saya sendiri, hakikatnya ialah dulunya saya hidup tersisih dan terbuang disebabkan oleh ketagihan dan ikatan kepada pengaruh dadah. Tidak ada sebarang jalan keluar bagi saya selain daripada kuasa ilahi sabda dan firman Isa Al-Masih serta pengampunan dan penebusan melalui Baginda, yang hari ini menjadi pegangan saya setiap masa. Sebab itulah saya sekarang bebas dari sebarang kemahuan dadah, dan saya telah disatukan kembali dengan keluarga saya yang tersayang! Inilah satu hakikat dan pengalaman saya yang tidak dapat dinafikan.

Segala kemuliaan dan kebesaran adalah hanya untuk Sayidina Isa dan Tuhan yang Maha Esa!

A Sunni Muslim Became A Christian (Zana)

It all started in late 1980’s when I was detained by the Iranian police for no reason. They thought that I had some connections with Kurdish political parties that were opposing the Islamic Republic. I did not have any connection with any political party or anything of that sort. Months went by without them even letting my family know where I was. Finally, the day came when I was brought into court. The Judge asked me three questions that were asked of many people:

  1. What is your name? -- I said Zana.
  2. What is your ethnicity? -- I said I am a Kurd.
  3. What is your religion? -- I said that I am a Sunni Muslim.

I was taken out of the court, thrown back into my cell and I was beaten all night. Next morning, they put me on a bus headed back to Mahabad, my city in Kurdistan. On the bus, I was sitting next to a man. He opened his bag and took out a sandwich which was wrapped in newspaper. I was very hungry since I had not eaten regular food in almost six months. I did not want to look at his food but I just couldn't stand the smell of the kabobs. He turned around and asked me if I would like one. Without hesitating as we usually do in Iranian culture, I asked for one. Instead of one, he gave me two out of the three that he had with him. I asked for his name and he said that his name was Yacub. I had never heard that name before. So I asked, "What kind of name is this?" He said "Hebrew". "Ahh, so you are a Jew?" I asked back. "No, I am a Christian", he said. I had heard a lot of negative things about Christians in the Quran so I did not want to get into a conversation about Christianity. But something inside me made me wonder why he believed in it (Christianity)? I asked if he believed that Jesus was the son of God. The answer was yes. How could God have a wife? How could God have sex? He started explaining that to say that God had sex with Mary is the greatest sin. But rather Jesus is the son of God in a spiritual way and not like the way we are born. And we never say that God ever had a wife, we believe in a holy God. I wanted to stop the conversation and begin a different subject. I could not think of any other subject, so I asked him why he was going to Kurdistan. He said that a friend needed some help with something. I asked for his name he said Zana. That was my name. But I thought it was a different person. He opened his bag and very quietly gave me a Bible. He put it in my bag. He knew that if someone saw him with that book it could cost him his life. I asked what it was. He told me that I would find out later.

We got to Mahabad and I got off the Bus before he did. I got my bag and was waiting outside for Yacub (Jacob) to come off, but the bus was empty and he still had not come out. I went to the driver and asked him where the man sitting next to me had gone? To my astonishment and confusion he said, "There was no man sitting next to you." Was I crazy or what? I said maybe I was dreaming. But I still had the taste of the sandwich in my mouth. I still had the book in my bag. What was Yacub? Who was he? Why didn't he go to his friend's house? Then I remembered that the friend's name was Zana and only then realized he meant me. I went home and found my mom in the house crying. She was so surprised and happy to see me. I asked what had happened since I had been gone. I found out that soldiers were looking for me and that she was raped by a Jaush (Kurdish for "traitor"). When I heard that, I felt like somebody was hitting me in the back with sticks. I went to my room and wept like a baby. I could not believe that this really had happened.

That night when I asked for my older brother Hasan at dinner, they all started crying. They told me that he was hanged. I felt like the food was going through my back. I could not eat. I got up and went to my room for some more weeping. I felt like the whole world was on my shoulders and I felt like I was carrying the rocks. I had nothing to do, so I took out the book and started reading. After reading the first chapters of the book of Genesis, I went to read the Injil. I started reading the book of Matthew. I was surprised. I had never seen anything like this. I stopped at chapter ten and just went to bed. I still could hear my Mom and sister crying downstairs. The neighbors came to cheer them up and talk to them. Next morning life was normal, so I went and visited my brother's grave. Life became normal again until one night in my dream Yacub appeared and told me that I must leave my country. I knew something was up so I went and hid at a friend's house. I did not want to leave the country; I loved it.

Sometime after, I sneaked back to my house at night and discovered that soldiers had been in my house and they were looking for me. Now this time, it was my sister that was raped by the soldiers for no reason. My brother who was executed had some ties to the Kurdish political parties. But what had I done wrong, or what had my sister done wrong? Is this what they call an Islamic Republic? All I could think of was suicide. But I would now leave so many people behind. If it was not for my family I would have killed myself. I knew that Yacub was telling me something. But what? Help me Yacub; what do you want me to do? I went to my room and packed whatever I could because I was going to leave the country. I took the Bible with me and headed for the mountains crossing the boarders into Iraq. I stopped in the middle of nowhere for a rest. I took out my book and read in it. When I came to Matthew 11:28 "Come to me all who are heavy laden and weary and I will give you rest," I was shocked and did not know what to think because the book kind of read my mind. It had what my heart longed for. I found what I was looking for. I found what met my personal needs. Right there in the middle of the night I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I couldn't believe the changes that were happening inside of me. I felt a kind of peace that could not be expressed by words. I was relieved. I could feel all of the weight that I felt on my shoulders coming off. I now understood God and what he was like. It was a good thing that I did not commit suicide. The Lord had a plan for me. I now knew who Yacub was -- an angel. It was very hard to believe. I myself found it hard to believe. But an angel would be the best answer.

I now forgave all of those that done wrong to me. Instead of cursing, I prayed for the salvation of the people who had beaten me in prison. I am grateful for having such a wonderful experience. My sincere prayer is that God Almighty will show you the truth. I am willing to help you find the truth. I can be reached at the following address:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kebiasaan Yang Salah dalam Mengusir Setan sebelum Ibadah dimulai

Sering terjadi kesalahan dalam doa sebelum ibadah bahwa kita menyuruh Tuhan untuk menghancurkan kuasa iblis dan mengusir roh-roh iblis.

Yang benar adalah bahwa KITA sendirilah yang harus mematahkan dan menghancurkan kuasa iblis dan mengusir semua roh iblis dari tempat di mana kita beribadah.

Karena Tuhan Yesus selalu ingin bekerja melalui diri kita, oleh karena itu Dia memberikan kuasaNya buat kita yang percaya kepadaNya.

Kalau firman Allah dilakukan dengan tepat maka hasilnya juga pasti akan tepat dan memuaskan.

(Markus 6:13; Markus 16:17)


"Foolish ones, oh foolish ones! Those that I, YAHUSHUA, desire to call MINE, though you call yourselves MINE and yet why do you say you love ME and not obey ME? How can you call ME Lord and yet you disobey MY scriptures. Since when does the servant rule the Master? You do not even hear MY still small voice when I warn of the dangers of sorcery and demonic possessions through what your eyes see and your ears hear. Because of this, your children are becoming possessed through the films, books, and video games that are a steady diet of occult, sorcery, demonism, satanism and shamanism.

Repent today! Turn away from this evil. Turn your children instead to I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. We alone are to be the potter of you and your children's clay. They are to be molded in our image not Harry Potter's. Even the name was chosen for a purpose, to mold your children into the image of the fictional character of Harry Potter. Does not MY Scriptures say, "Train up a child in the way he shall go and when he is old he will not depart from it." What are you doing? Oh foolish ones. You are training your children up to be warlocks, shamans, witches and Satanists. Oh what a price you will pay when your own children turn on you with evil spirits that will make you wonder, where did your children go? You will look at them with eyes of wonder, for your innocent babes will be possessed with every kind of evil spirit.

Why will I allow these innocents to be harmed in this way, where their very soul will be endangered? Because I gave the parents a choice, even the heathens know better, for they know that children are not to have occult powers. They realize that witchcraft is a sin and yet your own airwaves promote this, even to the children through sitcoms. Do you boycott the television stations or boycott the advertisers? NO, you remain silent and warn no one. Does not MY Word say, 'Suffer a witch to be burned in hell and the Lake of Fire,' they shall burn after they die if they do not repent. Oh MY foolish ones this is the penalty you shall pay.

They shall burn in hell and the Lake of Fire after they die, if they do not repent. Oh MY foolish ones. This is the penalty you shall pay for taking your children to the Harry Potter film, they shall become possessed. They shall turn on you in rebellion, in ways you never dreamed of. For these are your own innocent children, who relied on you to teach them right from wrong, yet you encourage them to view and study witchcraft, satanism, shamanism, demonism, in what you deem is a harmless movie or in harmless books full of humor and yet feeding them this diet of evil, knowing it is evil and laughing at this evil. How can you call yourselves parents?

Parents protect MY innocent children. Their minds are so pliable and instead of good being planted, you allow this evil Harry Potter to plant evil in your children's minds, bodies, spirits, and souls, as they seek these demonic powers and yes multitudes will receive this power. What you laugh about is a reality. There are some who are possessed with demons that can take on some of these evil powers and the power is not only in MY Holy Word but also the evil ones know that there is power in demonic chants and words. These words and deeds you will find in the Harry Potter books and films. Parents you are responsible for feeding your children food, both physical and spiritual food. You don't feed your children poison, so why would you allow satan to feed your children poison? Poison to your soul and your children's mind, body, spirit and soul.

Satan mocks and laughs at you parents, as you lift the spoon to feed your children's souls this evil. It is more evil than before, in any film, or in any of the children's books. There is a spell cast on all by this evil reprobate worker of satan, who takes pride in her unholy acts of witchcraft. Evil spells have been cast on all her writings and the film has evil spells that causes anyone to watch to think wouldn't this be wonderful, if I had this kind of power? This opens one up to the mind-controlling, mind-manipulating, mind-altering, power hungry, anti-christ spirit. Walk-in spirits will easily walk in to all those that open up this door to their mind, body spirit and soul. There have been spells, chants and incantations put on the books and film and all that comes forth from anything to do with Harry Potter, to cause a hunger for more knowledge of the occult and a hunger to rebel and spells to mock I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and all that is holy and to accept what I, YAHUVEH, have called unholy. To accept what MY Holy Scriptures forbid.

Your children are paying and will pay a price, for you foolish parents have allowed this evil into your homes, and allowed this evil into their ears and allowed them to view it with their eyes. Shame on all who do these atrocities and call themselves MINE. Repent today and turn away from this evil or don't call yourself MINE anymore for I won't even know you. Be warned, do you not yet understand? Pray and discern whether this be truth and whether it lines up with MY Holy Scriptures. If it does not, then don't listen to this apostle's warnings that I am speaking through her now. Encouraging your children to read and watch films glorifying the occult is an abomination unto I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA! Listen up, learn and discern.

This is the same as passing your children through the fire. This is the same as sacrificing your children to Molech. Don't you dare think you're called MINE when you sacrifice MY Children, not only in abortions, but now even endangering them by sacrificing their souls? Opening their souls and spirits up to all that I call unholy. Don't you yet realize that satan wants your children's souls? Satan wants to bring anarchy to your homes and the spirit of rebellion, murder, thievery, and disobedience, oh this comes with various ages, and environments of children just from living in this wicked world. How much more will it be for all those that allow their children to feed on this evil? Encourage this evil, and yet call themselves Christians or Jews. Even those worshipping a heathen god like Buddha or Allah, be warned when I say all children, this means you also.

I, YAHUVEH, gave you children with a mandate to protect your little ones. I, YAHUVEH, put a maternal instinct in the mothers of children to protect them even at the cost of their lives. Fathers, I have put this in you also, to provide and care and protect your families. How can you do this atrocity in MY eyes. Where are the spiritual leaders warning about this film and the books that just increase in evil with every volume? Do you not realize what satan is doing and will be doing to a greater degree? Picture demon possessions of children all over the world, in every language, where even the parents will fear their own children, picture these children and anyone that views this movie becoming possessed and their hearts growing colder and colder and faith dying out like an ember because of the spirit of rebellion to laugh at what I have forbidden.

You parents who endanger your children's souls like this, do not even realize how angry you have made I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. It is better that a millstone be hung around your neck and you drowned. Don't expect ME to hear your prayers, when you cry out to ME when you see the children possessed. Did you listen to ME when I warned you with MY RUACH ha KODESH? I will hear your prayers to the degree you have listened to ME to warn you not to let your children be entertained with what I have forbidden you to study, or to take part in the teachings of devils. Don't be surprised when your little ones start practicing casting spells. Don't be surprised when your little ones turn on you in hatred. Don't be surprised, for you fed them these evil books that teach everything against the only Good Book.

How many of you parents are buying merchandise for your children and don't even realize it is witchcraft, with spells rooted in satanism and it is causing you to spend money by giving it to satan and his works each time you do this. Don't be surprised when the spirit of poverty comes to you for doing this. Don't be surprised when children start killing each other and sacrificing their own animals. Don't be surprised when demons walk in to your children and you no longer have a child that wants to read the Bible or even hear the Name of the God you serve; when your child will hate all that is Holy.

I tell you this: I, YAHUVEH, am the POTTER, you and your children are to be MY clay. I, YAHUVEH, am to mold you, not Harry Potter. The growth of this evil potter that will plant in your minds and in that of your children, that casting spells is harmless and controlling and manipulating others is the thing to do. Beware, for your children all over the world, in every language will become possessed, and if you don't see it right away, don't be surprised, for some demonic possessions will not be noted right away, for the demons will lay dormant and in wait. Do you realize how many souls will be sacrificed to satan because of this occult film and all the books that you fed your children? Do you realize this is real and those practicing the black arts, shamanism, satanism, are not laughing at the film and books, they are laughing at all those that don't take this seriously.

Forbid your children to be taken to this film or to read the books. If you have the books in the house or in your grandchildren's house, pray over the books, cast the curses off of the books, plead the Blood of YAHUSHUA over the books, ask MY forgiveness if you have sinned and encouraged this in any way. Come to ME in the name of YAHUSHUA and burn those books. Boycott the schools that allow this to be part of its curriculum. Get the teachers fired if they insist to teach your children witchcraft. Forbid them to feed your children anymore of this evil. The teachers will regret this. The schools that take part in this will regret this, for if they think they have problems now with the students, just wait until what the children view in the Harry Potter movie and books is used to experiment on the teachers and parents. Satan will give your children the occult powers to harm. Your own children shall become your worst enemies.

Repent today! Turn away from this evil. Turn your children instead to I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. We alone are to be the potter of you and your children's clay. They are to be molded in our image, not Harry Potter's. Even the name was chosen for a purpose, to mold your children into the image of the fictional character of Harry Potter. Demonic spirits are waiting and watching to see who will open themselves up to demonic possessions through the gates of this movie and the books. There is no good knowledge to be gained through the books or movie, so why do you endanger MY precious little ones? Demons are walking into your children. Children will walk into the theaters, but it won't be your children that walk out.

You have been warned! You won't notice it right away. Some will and some parents won't, but I tell you your children will be taken over, little by little, the more they feed on this addiction that is going around the world, not for a drug or sex but for the feeding frenzy of learning and studying and practicing the black arts of the occult, setting the world up for the anti-christ system to be accepted more readily. Remember the anti-christ will do the things your children read in the Harry Potter books and films and even more.

Parents who call themselves MINE and don't repent and warn others, know this: because of your rebellion I, YAHUVEH, will turn a deaf ear when you pray, and dare to face ME after I have warned you and when you come weeping to ME and I will say, "You were warned" and now you shall feed on MY wrath and you won't like the taste of it. All of Heaven watches and you are surrounded with a cloud of witnesses. How many after this prophetic warning will care enough and warn others. You are held accountable for what you know. Don't say you don't know, for even before I spoke out of this apostle of mine, you know I demand you protect your children and how can you say this is protecting your children. America, where is your repentance before ME? Why do you keep heaping judgments upon your head? I hear prayers going forth in YAHUSHUA's Name, yet where is the turning away of sin?

England, you have brought judgment from Heaven upon you. Repent, for this wickedness comes from your own land. England, you have done nothing to stop it. Why? How can MY spiritual leaders stay silent? Why are not the churches putting warnings out in newspapers and on the airwaves? Why are not MY Children boycotting every store and product that promotes this witchcraft and demon possessions? Why are not the parents protesting, and refusing to allow the schools to feed your children what you have not fed your children.

Beware the more the steady of a diet of this evil; the more the demonic possessions will be quite evident. Parents, is this really worth your children's souls? All who feed on this diet of the occult, is this worth your souls? Depart from ME, ye workers of inequity, I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA will not know you, if you don't repent and turn back to Holiness, and repent for staying silent. Where are MY other apostles and prophets that should be sounding the shofar horn warning of the danger to mind, body, spirit and soul, of all who view this film, and read the books? You have been warned. Now it is your choice.

Who do you choose to be your potter I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA or Harry Potter? That film and books will only mold you and your children into all that is unholy. It is your choice. Don't say I don't send MY Apostles and Prophets to warn before I send MY judgment. Even the ground shakes in fear at the anger of I, YAHUVEH. How much more should you who are commanded to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. I admonish you now, and tell you the blood of the children all over the world will be on your hands, for you did not warn them.

The blood of the unborn babies which are aborted, tortured, used in medical experiments, in cosmetics and sacrificed for selfish reasons is on your hands. There is no good reason to kill innocent babes. All who do this will answer to ME on Judgment Day, if they don't repent and warn others. Now you have a new blood of the children on your hands, all because you refuse to warn others not to feed your children the occult as a food for your mind, body, spirit, and soul. Harry Potter will mold your children into witches, warlocks, and Satanists casting spells that will terrify you. Houses will become possessed with every kind of evil spirit. Plead the Blood of YAHUSHUA even on the commercials and speak up to even the television that endangers your children with the commercials that loose demonic spirits. Speak up to your radio stations. Boycott those that refuse to listen. Hit them where it hurts, their bank accounts. Speak up to the schools that promote this. Fight the spirit of the anti-christ, before it is too late.

Ask yourself, would your public school take the time to read the Holy Scriptures in a classroom? Would your public schools take your children to see a passion play of the life of YAHUSHUA? Then why are you allowing satan to teach your children? Get them out of the dens of the anti-christ before it is too late. The world's children are being groomed now just as surely as hair is groomed, therefore the name Harry Potter. This film, worldwide will be shown and yet it should not be received as the kind of grooming you want your children to have, nor even yourselves.

There has been a lot of planning by satanists to take over the minds, bodies, spirits and souls of you and your children, using the vessels that promote this evil. What are you going to do about it? It's your choice, for I will not help anyone that has the ability to warn and the knowledge, and yet endangers their children or the children of others by remaining silent. The walk-in spirits are laying in wait for your children, as well as yourself. What is the price of your soul? What is the price of your children's souls? I, YAHUVEH, have told MY Daughter Elisabeth to warn you. How many will listen? Warn even the heathen or the blood will be on your hands! There are those who have the knowledge to know how to assemble boycotts. Don't remain silent any longer or the blood is on your hands. This is only one vessel of clay that I have molded to speak forth these warnings, now what will you do to help her get this message to the masses of people?"


DANGER! WARNING! Do Not Take Your Children to see the Harry Potter movies! Christian parents, are you taking your children to see Harry Potter? Your children are being exposed to horrendous EVIL in these Movies! WARNING!!! It is urgent, if you know anyone with kids, have them read this Prophecy concerning Harry Potter. Who is willing to stand outside the theatres and warn the people! Boycott the theatres and sponsors!

* * * * * * *

This prophecy came to me after a dream was sent to me from a brand new babe in YAHUSHUA, age 16, who lives in Singapore, who I call Truthseeker. YAHUSHUA loves you Truthseeker, and so do I. Your dream stirred up the anointing in me. People, why didn't this dream come from someone in America it seems Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, is listening and getting saved to a larger degree according to the emails I am receiving.

Deut 18:10-12
There shall not be found among any one that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto YAHUVEH: and because of these abominations YAHUVEH thy Elohim doth drive them out from before thee.

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolators, and all liars, shall have their part in Lake of Fire which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is second death.

Exodus 22:18
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Micah 5:12
And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers:

Deuteronomy 18:14
For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, YAHUVEH thy Elohim hath not suffered thee to do so.

2 Kings 17:17
And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves, to do evil in the sight of YAHWEH, to provoke him to anger.

2 Kings 21:6
And he made his son pass through the fire, and observed times, and used enchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards: he wrought much wickedness in sight of YAHUVEH to provoke him to anger.

Leviticus 18:21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech.

2 Chronicles 33:6
And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Himmon: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of YAHUVEH, to provoke him to anger.

Matthew 18:5-7
But who so shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it would be better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Luke 17:1-3
THEN said he to the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than he should offend one of these little ones.

(Please copy and warn others, just don't change the context.
Apostle Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Penyesat Utama Banyak Hamba Tuhan Saat ini

Penyebab utama yang menyesatkan/menjatuhkan/ membuat banyak hamba Tuhan menyimpang dari ajaran yang sehat mulai dari hamba Tuhan yang tidak terkenal sampai yang sudah terkenal adalah CINTA AKAN UANG. (I Timotius 6:10, II Timotius 3:2, Kisah Para Rasul 8:2, Ibrani 13:5)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Budhist Masuk Kristen (Sai Myint)

Pelanggaran HAM, pertempuran terus-menerus, dan kemiskinan yang memaksa puluhan ribu orang melarikan diri dari negara Asia Burma, yang juga dikenal sebagai Myanmar.

Banyak dari mereka yang mencari perlindungan di negara tetangga Thailand, yang menjadi tuan rumah pengungsi lebih dari dua dekade. Sebagian besar adalah imigran ilegal yang hidup dalam ketidakpastian, tetapi banyak yang telah menemukan tempat perlindungan dan kedamaian abadi.

Sai Myint berusia 15 tahun ketika ia bergabung dengan kelompok pemberontak di Burma. "Keluarga kami menjadi sangat miskin setelah ayah saya yang seorang tentara, kehilangan kakinya saat berperang dan akhirnya ia juga kehilangan pekerjaan," kata Myint. "Kami tidak punya uang untuk membeli makanan, bahkan saya mengecap pendidikan hanya sampai kelas dua SD.. Beranjak remaja, saya tidak memiliki arah dalam hidup saya dan bergabung dengan teman-teman saya untuk pergi ke gunung dan bergabung dengan kelompok pemberontak.."

Setelah tiga tahun, Myint lelah bertempur. Dia menyeberangi perbatasan ke Thailand untuk mencari pekerjaan, tapi seperti imigran ilegal lainnya, ia segera dijual ke perbudakan. Seorang nelayan membayar $ 300 kepada seorang pemilik budak untuk membebaskan Myint. Sebagai gantinya, pemuda tersebut harus bekerja dua kali lebih berat dari kehidupannya sebagai budak dahulu.

"Ini sangat sulit tetapi di sini saya punya kesempatan untuk mencari pekerjaan dan memiliki kehidupan yang lebih baik," kata Myint.

Myint adalah penganut Budha, tetapi pada tahun 2007 ia menemukan kehidupan baru ketika seorang teman membawanya ke Majelis Kristiani Myanmar, di mana pengungsi Burma seperti ia belajar tentang kasih Yesus.

Seperti mantan pengikut Budha lainnya, Myint memberikan diri dibaptis dalam iman Kristiani setelah belajar tentang kasih Tuhan bagi mereka.

"Sementara kami berdoa, saya melihat sebuah visi, patung Buddha runtuh dan Yesus berdiri di depan saya," kata Mynth. "Dia berkata," Akulah TUHAN di atas segala allah dan berhala. " Saya dulu menjadi pengikut Budha, tapi sekarang saya menyembah Yesus Kristus dalam hidup saya."

"Di Thailand, orang-orang Burma terbuka untuk Injil," kata Pendeta Zaw Min, yang memimpin Majelis Kristiani Myanmar. "Alasannya adalah mereka ingin meraih sesuatu yang nyata Itu. Pertama-tama mereka harus mengakui bahwa Yesus hidup dan mereka harus menerima-Nya sebagai Juruselamat mereka."

Pastor Min mengatakan gereja mereka adalah pelatihan para anggotanya untuk menjadi penginjil dan misionaris sehingga suatu hari orang-orang yang mereka latih bisa kembali ke negara asalnya dan mengabarkan Injil.

"Suatu hari, ketika Burma terbuka terhadap berbagai ajaran agama, mereka akan kembali dan menjadi misionaris ke rumah mereka sendiri dan desa-desa dimana mereka berada," kata Min.

"Saya ingin berbagi dengan keluarga saya bagaimana Yesus telah mengubah saya," kata Myint. "Sebelumnya, saya hidup hanya untuk minum-minuman keras dan obat-obatan terlarang, tapi sekarang setelah berhenti dan menyerahkan hidup kepada Yesus saya sangat bahagia. Saya ingin keluarga saya bahagia juga."

Hanya Tuhan Yesus Sumber Damai Sejahtera dan Sukacita yang dibutuhkan manusia. Kasih-Nya sungguh nyata dan ketika ada orang meresponi kasih-Nya itu maka hidupnya akan dipenuhi kebahagiaan yang sejati. Percayalah !

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dimanakah Kita disembunyikan oleh TUHAN?


Kita disembunyikan Tuhan di dalam Jubah KebenaranNya, maksudnya walaupun masih di dunia ini kita akan mengenakan jubah putih kebenaranNya itu setelah kita bertobat sungguh-sungguh dari segala macam dosa dan dibasuh oleh Darah Yesus Kristus.

Jubah kebenaran ini melindungi kita dari segala kutuk/murka TUHAN maupun dari kuasa iblis.

(Jubah putih kebenaran ini tidak bisa terlihat oleh mata jasmani manusia, namun bisa terlihat di alam roh)

Yesaya 61:10 - Aku bersukaria di dalam TUHAN, jiwaku bersorak-sorai di dalam Allahku, sebab Ia mengenakan pakaian keselamatan kepadaku dan menyelubungi aku dengan jubah kebenaran, seperti pengantin laki-laki yang mengenakan perhiasan kepala dan seperti pengantin perempuan yang memakai perhiasannya.

Ayub 24:19 - Aku berpakaian kebenaran dan keadilan menutupi aku seperti jubah dan serban.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Berapa Kali Boleh Makan Perjamuan Suci?

  • Tidak ada batasan (I Korintus 11:26 - Sebab setiap kali kamu makan roti ini dan minum cawan ini, kamu memberitakan kematian Tuhan sampai Ia datang)
  • Setiap hari (Kisah Para Rasul 2:46)
  • Setiap kali berhimpun (Lukas 22:8,19)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Cara Melakukan Perjamuan Suci

Perjamuan Suci adalah pelayanan dari Yesus Kristus sebagai Imam Agung Allah Yang Mahatinggi dengan cara menyajikan Roti dan Anggur kepada umat-Nya.

Roti ------------- melambangkan Tubuh Kristus
Anggur --------- melambangkan Darah Kristus

Ketika Yesus menebus dosa-dosa kita.. Dia tidak menggunakan darah binatang dan hal-hal lainnya, namun Dia membawa tubuh dan darah-Nya sendiri menjadi satu-satunya Korban yang berkenan di hati Allah Bapa.

Oleh karena itu SORGA hanya menerima orang-orang yang hidupnya telah dibenarkan dan dikuduskan oleh Darah Yesus, yakni melalui iman kepada Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamat.

Cara melakukan perjamuan suci:
  • Jangan melakukannya ketika masih berdosa, harus ada pertobatan dosa terlebih dahulu
  • Harus penuh penghormatan/penghargaan
  • Jangan dengan kata-kata hafalan yang diulang-ulang
  • Jangan melakukan perjamuan suci hanya sebagai ritual biasa
  • Harus menyerahkan hati kita kepada Yesus Kristus, yang memberikan perjamuan suci ini
  • Jika tidak bertobat terlebih dahulu maka minum perjamuan suci ini sama saja dengan meminum kutuk Allah

(I Kor 11:23-32, I Kor 10:16,17,21)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Waspada Dengan Ajaran New Age!

Ajaran New Age adalah suatu gerakan spiritual yang merupakan gabungan dari spiritualitas Timur, Buddhisme, Pantheisme, Hinduisme, Mistisisme, Orientalisme, dll, yang mengemukakan suatu filsafat yang berpusatkan kepada manusia. Gerakan Zaman Baru mengajarkan bahwa manusia adalah “allah”. Gerakan ini mulai dikembangkan dengan munculnya latihan-latihan pengembangan diri, seminar pengembangan diri, yoga, waitankung, seminar kata-kata motivasi, dll.

Ingat dan waspada!!! Biang keladi / Sumber segala penyesatan adalah dari iblis sendiri (Lucifer dan setan-setannya >>> malaikat-malaikat yang telah jatuh/dicampakkan keluar dari surga)

Dengan Perbuatan Baik Bisa Masuk Sorga?

Jawabnya: tentu saja TIDAK

Keselamatan hanya bisa diperoleh setiap orang di muka bumi ini karena DARAH YESUS yang telah dicurahkan di Golgota dan NAMANYA (Yesus Kristus/Yahushua ha Mashiach)... melalui iman, pertobatan dan menjauh dari segala kejahatan/kenajisan dosa, dengan memelihara perintah-perintah-Nya, menempatkan Tuhan sebagai yang pertama di dalam hidup dan kasih kita.

Waspadalah dengan ajaran duniawi/palsu/agama babel/new age yang mengajarkan bahwa kita diselamatkan karena perbuatan baik manusia.


Nama YAHUSHUA sendiri artinya: "YAHWEH menyelamatkan/YAHWEH saves"

YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH/Yeshua/Yesus Kristus/Mesias/Isa Almasih adalah Putra Tunggal Yang Diperanakkan dari ABBA YAHWEH, yang telah datang untuk menebus dosa-dosa manusia. Ia telah lahir sebagai seorang manusia untuk memperkenalkan YAHWEH yang sesungguhnya kepada umat manusia, lalu mati di atas kayu salib sebagai korban penebus dosa seluruh umat manusia, dan bangkit kembali dari kematian dan telah menang atas kerajaan kegelapan dan dunia ini. Barangsiapa yang percaya, bertobat dari dosa-dosa mereka dan menerima dan mengakui Dia YAHUSHUA sebagai TUHAN dan Juru Selamat, maka Dia akan mengakui mereka dan menyelamatkan mereka pada hari kedatanganNya kelak, ketika Dia datang bersama para pasukan kudusNya untuk menghakimi dunia ini (Wahyu/Revelation 19:11 - 20:15).

Para pengikut Iblis dan musuh YAHWEH / YAHUSHUA masih berani menyebut nama Jesus, Yesus, Isa, atau apapun nama-nama yang telah disebutkan terhadapNya, akan tetapi mereka tidak berani menyebut YAHUSHUA, karena dengan menyebut YAHUSHUA artinya mereka sedang mendeklarasikan pernyataan pengakuan "YAH menyelamatkan" itu sendiri, sesuatu yang tidak diakui oleh para musuh YAHWEH / YAHUSHUA.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Nubuat - Tentang Choo Thomas

"Choo Thomas, bertobatlah sekarang secara publik! Kata-kata yang telah kau tuliskan di dalam sebuah buku yang mendeskripsikan apa yang kau sebut-sebut sebagai perjalanan-perjalanan ke sorga, adalah suatu tipuan dari setan! Anak-anak Terkasih, hanya karena seseorang berkata mereka telah pernah ke sorga, ujilah itu dengan FirmanKU dan lihatlah jika itu sejalan dengan deskripsiKU tentang Sorga. Setiap Pastor yang telah mempromosikan dan mempromosikan dusta-dusta yang telah dituliskan oleh Choo Thomas, kalian juga pantas bagi amukanKU jika kalian tidak secara terbuka BERTOBAT dan menghardik dusta-dusta ini! Kalian sudah menolong menyesatkan para domba dewasa dan anak-anak domba! Bagaimana bisa-bisanya kalian sudah tidak mengenali dusta-dusta yang telah ditulis perempuan itu di dalam bukunya?

Nabi sejati manapun sudah akan menghardik dan memperingatkan. Kalian tahu siapa Nabi-nabi sejati, karena seperti yang satu ini yang melaluinya AKU sedang berbicara sekarang, mereka berseru dengan keras Choo Thomas adalah seorang Nabi Palsu, yang mengaku-aku dia telah berjalan dan berbicara dengan JESUS (YESUS). Dia telah mengaku-aku bahwa dia telah mengalami suatu out of body experience (pengalaman keluar dari tubuh) dan Yesus telah membawa dia ke sorga 17 kali dalam satu bulan dan setiap kalinya itu diikuti dengan manifestasi-manifestasi (serangan tiba-tiba) yang ganas pada satu waktu yang telah ditentukan.

Mengapa AKU sampai akan berbuat suatu hal semacam ini? Bukankah AKU ini seorang Gembala yang penuh kasih, itu setan yang mengguncang tubuhnya, bukan AKU. Itu setan yang secara ganas menyiksa dirinya dalam apa yang dia sebut sebagai suatu pengurapan atas tangan-tangannya dan lengan-lengannya untuk membuatnya merasa seolah-olah tangannya sedang terkoyak. Itu adalah setan yang mempermainkan dia, dan itu adalah setan yang memberikan upah padanya, saat ilusi ini dipercayai oleh Orang-orang KudusKU. Perempuan itu berkata bahwa kapanpun saat Yesus telah membawa dia ke sorga semua yang telah dilakukannya adalah menangis sebab itu begitu sedih di sana. Tetapi AKU, YAHUSHUA berkata, "Sorga adalah satu tempat di mana hanya ada SUKA CITA. Sebab bukankah itu tertulis, 'AKU akan menghapuskan segala air matamu.'" Orang TerkasihKU, tidak ada kata-kata yang pernah bisa menggambarkan keindahan Sorga.

Semua yang mempercayai dusta-dusta ini harus bertobat karena telah mempercayai bahwa AKU, sang Gembala Baik sudah akan memperlakukan Para DombaKU dan Anak-anak DombaKU seperti ini. Semua orang yang mempercayai ini harus bertobat karena sudah tidak meminta pemahaman untuk membedakan apakah ini adalah kebenaran ataukah dusta-dusta. Buku Choo Thomas penuh dengan doktrin-doktrin palsu. Pelajarilah dan tunjukkanlah dirimu berkenan dan bakar bukunya, biarkan setan tahu bahwa kalian tidak lagi menerima dusta-dustanya.

Pada masa-masa akhir ini, mengapa AKU sudah tidak akan memberitahukan siapapun yang pernah ke Sorga tentang NAMA IbraniKU yang sesungguhnya? Mengapa AKU sudah akan menyemangati kalian untuk menghadiri suatu Sunday Church (Gereja Hari Minggu), dengan mengetahui untuk apa Gereja-gereja Hari Minggu itu akan dipergunakan pada Masa Kesesakan Besar itu? Mengapakah perempuan itu tidak akan kembali dari Sorga dengan sebuah peringatan bagi para Pastor untuk mengubah hari Penyembahan mereka ke hari Shabbat yang sebenarnya? Di manakah AKU pernah sampai menyebut bahwa ada purgatory (api penyucian) di luar gerbang-gerbang Sorga. Di dalam kata-kata Choo Thomas 'di sana ada dua lembah di luar gerbang-gerbang Kerajaan itu', ini BOHONG!"

(Nabi Elizabeth Elijah Nikomia, 2007)

Nubuat - Tentang Oprah Winfrey

"Jangan mengikuti Oprah Winfrey. Jangan menyokong dia, atau menyemangati dia, dengan menonton program-programnya ataupun membeli buku-buku yang dia promosikan. Oprah Winfrey akan mengirim kalian ke neraka jika kalian mempercayai Oprah's gospel (injil Oprah). Perempuan itu menghardik Anak-anak KEPUNYAANKU di hadapan dunia ini, yang telah diutus untuk memperingatkan dia bahwa hanya ada satu jalan ke Sorga dan itu melalui Darah YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH yang Telah Dicurahkan. Para wanita yang telah AKU pakai untuk melakukan peperangan terhadapnya telah menyebut AKU dengan nama Yunani JESUS CHRIST (YESUS KRISTUS) ketika mereka berkonfrontasi dengannya pada program televisinya. Oprah telah memerangi mereka di hadapan jutaan orang dan telah menghardik mereka dengan marah dan telah mengatakan: dia telah 'menolak untuk percaya bahwa hanya ada satu jalan menuju Sorga.' Dia percaya ada berbagai jalur menuju Sorga, satu jalan tidak mungkin benar.

Waspadalah terhadap Oprah Winfrey, seperti yang telah AKU nubuatkan melalui Elisabeth Elijah bertahun-tahun lalu dia telah menjual jiwanya kepada setan demi ketenaran dan keberuntungannya dan sekarang melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan baiknya dengan mengatakan, "Perbuatan-perbuatan baik adalah satu dari jalannya menuju sorga". Perempuan itu telah menjadi seorang Yudas dan di mana sekali waktu dia pernah mengajarkan kebenaran, dia telah meninggalkan itu sekarang dan telah memilih satu jalan yang mengarah ke neraka. Kalian sudah diperingatkan, dan AKU akan menuntut pertanggungjawaban Anak-anak KudusKU karena menyokong ataupun menyemangati perempuan ini dalam cara apapun. Oprah Winfrey akan memimpin jiwa-jiwa kepada sang anti kristus, dia yang AKU sebut sebagai satu-satunya putra yang diperanakkan setan, yang telah datang sebelumnya dalam wujud Yudas."

(Nabi Elizabeth Elijah Nikomia, 2007)

Nubuat - Tentang Hamba-Hamba Tuhan Yang Menyimpang

"Para Evangelist dan para Pastor seharusnya memberi makan dengan Kebenaran-kebenaranKU dan untuk memimpin dengan teladan. Orang-orang jahat ini telah mengkompromikan, telah memutarbalikkan perkataan-perkataan FirmanKU untuk membenarkan gambar diri yang nyaman buatan mereka sendiri yang berusaha untuk tidak menyinggung siapapun. Semua nama-nama yang telah disebut tadi telah membuktikan dengan pekerjaan-pekerjaan dan pemikiran-pemikiran mereka, mereka telah kehilangan rasa takut mereka akan YAHUVEH. Mereka semua akan mengutip ayat-ayat kitab suci, tetapi mereka semuanya telah pergi sesat. Creflo Dollar, AKU menentangmu akan yang satu ini, kau menyembah the Almighty Dollar (sang Dolar Maha Kuasa/uang)! Paul dan Jan Crouch, Joel Osteen, Marilyn Hickey, Joyce Meyers, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Steven Munsey, Rick Joyner, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Richard dan Lindsey Roberts, Juanita Bynum dan Thomas Weeks, Paula White, Rodney Howard-Browne, Mike Murdock, Carman, Billy Graham, TD Jakes, Rod Parsley dan Kim Clement. Mereka ini adalah sebagian kecil contoh-contoh dari Evangelical Prosperity Pimps (para Mucikari Penginjilan Kemakmuran) dan mereka adalah para mucikari bagi sang iblis sebab mereka telah meninggalkan panggilan hidup asli mereka dan permulaan mereka yang sederhana. Para Mucikari Penginjilan Kemakmuran telah menamai Ministry-ministry atau Gereja-gereja dengan nama-nama mereka sendiri."

Nabi Elizabeth Elijah Nikomia, 2007)

Nubuat - Tentang Joel Osteen

"Joel Osteen, kau adalah suam-suam kuku dan AKU, YAHUVEH memuntahkanmu keluar dari mulutKU. Kau mengkhotbahkan ocehan psikologis yang tidak bisa menyelamatkan jiwa siapapun. AKU, YAHUSHUA melawan engkau atas hal ini Joel Osteen, kau mengabarkan doktrin iblis tentang sang anti kristus, satu agama zaman baru yang 'terasa baik' yang mengarahkan setiap orang yang mempercayaimu ke neraka! Joel Osteen ke mana kau akan bersembunyi ketika itu terasa seolah-olah sebuah kubah angkasa menghantam keras dirimu?

Kau membodohi dirimu sendiri Joel Osteen, kau mengusir yang Kudus yang memperingatkanmu supaya bertobat dari dosa-dosamu, dan memperingatkanmu tentang neraka. Hanya karena kau menyangkal di sana ada neraka tidak berarti kau tidak akan menghabiskan kekekalan di sana dengan istrimu dan anak-anakmu dan semua jemaatmu yang mempercayai dusta-dustamu, jika kau TIDAK BERTOBAT. Hanya karena kau menolak untuk memperingatkan tentang sang iblis, tidak berarti setan bukan penguasa dari hati dan jiwamu. Kau ini ditelanjangi dan orang-orang yang membaca ini akan memperingatkan orang-orang lainnya dan mengirimkan Nubuat ini kepada orang-orang yang disebut di dalam Perkataan Nubuat ini. Orang-orang Kudus LARILAH dari para Mucikari Penginjilan bagi Kemakmuran ini."

(Nabi Elizabeth Elijah Nikomia, 2007)

Prophecy - About Israel

"Oh surrender, thus saith, YAHUVEH. Oh surrender, surrender, surrender. Again I say to the enemies of MINE, the enemies that circle and surround this anointed Apostolic/Prophetic Ministry, this handmaiden of MINE Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah, the enemies that have surrounded other anointed Apostolic/Prophetic Ministries I speak it again, all those that surround Israel, all those that surround Jerusalem, drop your weapons both spiritual and carnal before I the Great ELOHIM "I AM" will cause fire to fall from Heaven and I will totally annihilate and obliterate all of you (Ezekiel 38:23-24).

HORROR, HORROR, HORROR, weeping, lamentations, death and so many burials that there will not be room enough to put them in cemeteries. The hand of MY judgment, that once slapped you, now will turn into a fist and I will smash you. I the Great ELOHIM "I AM," in MY mercy, warn every nation, every people, every kindred, every tongue, leave MY Beloved Jerusalem alone. The blood of the fallen soaks into the ground and cries out to ME. The blood of the fallen in Israel has not been in vain. I hear the weeping and profound lamentations, of the people who love I, YAHUVEH. I hear MY NAME called out by those that are slain.

What country, what nation have the loyalty, what state, what province, what island have the love and the loyalty Israel shows forth as they battle to keep the land, the Great ELOHIM "I AM" YAHUVEH gave to their forefathers long ago? I speak to the spiritual leaders, remember David and Goliath? David did not run from Goliath, but ran toward Goliath, knowing the battle is MINE. The enemy now brings strange gods into your land Oh Israel, and yet they are no god at all. The women and men of the enemies bring their strange doctrines and would try to entangle the people of Israel in a form of bondage that I have not decreed. Israel, I speak forth out of this handmaiden, remember you are the land of milk and honey, you are the land Abraham blessed, you have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

Precede every battle as it was done in the past with musicians, songs of praise, worship, and prayers. Do you not believe the words in the Torah? Israel, you are the nation the world does not understand, so envied and abused, so hated without cause. For you desire peace and yet you have never known peace. You give away land and homes that I have not told you to give away, merely to keep peace. Do you not know the more you give, the more they will demand? Do you not know, you cannot satisfy the spirit of greed? Look to ME Oh Israel, once again for the Great ELOHIM "I AM" YAHUVEH is your deliverer.

I command all to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. If you think it is bad now, the killing only just begun, but do not fear for your Father ELOHIM YAHUVEH sees and hears. My last command is bless those that bless you O' Israel, do not turn away anyone who loves Israel, Jerusalem, or MY chosen people. I will bless all those that bless you O' Israel! I the Great ELOHIM "I AM" will curse all those who curse you O' Israel.

A warning to MY enemies, remember Balaam's Ass. Don't be a Balaam (Num 22-24) I am doing one better, I am speaking from this Apostle and warning you the destruction you mete out will be turned seven-fold. The blessings you give out to Israel and MY Jewish people will return back to you seven-fold. Blessings or curses, you decide, Deut. 28 does not lie. So it is spoken, so it is written December 18, 2000 at 2:53 pm. and surely in MY timing it shall come to pass."

(E.E.N, 2000)

Beberapa Ciri-Ciri Nabi/Guru Palsu

  • Menghindarkan orang-orang supaya tidak mengenal TUHAN yang benar, yakni Tritunggal Mahakudus --> BAPA(Yahweh)....PUTRA(Yahusua ha Mashiach/Yesus Kristus).....ROH KUDUS (Ruach ha Kodesh)
  • Menghindarkan orang-orang supaya tidak mengenal satu-satunya JALAN MENUJU KE SURGA, yakni YESUS KRISTUS (YAHUSUA) yang telah mati dan bangkit pada hari yang ketiga, Kuasa NAMA-Nya dan Kuasa DARAH-NYA.
  • Mengarahkan orang-orang kepada yesus/mesias yang palsu walaupun disertai tanda-tanda ajaib tetapi sebenarnya berasal dari kuasa setan (mereka hanya berani sebut nama yesus tetapi tidak berani menyebut kalimat "Yesus yang sudah mati dan bangkit pada hari yang ketiga"), dan puncaknya adalah mengarahkan orang-orang untuk menyembah yesus palsu/ANTIKRISTUS.
  • Memutarbalikkan/memelintir Kebenaran TUHAN/Alkitab/Firman TUHAN
  • Mencampur ajaran yang benar dengan ajaran yang palsu sehingga inilah yang banyak membuat umat Tuhan bisa bingung dan tersesat jika tidak selalu memohon petunjuk dari Roh Kudus. Waspadalah!!!
  • Pandai berbicara tentang hal-hal psikologis/hal-hal lain yang nampak bagus/baik namun tidak menyinggung poin-poin rohani yang utama: tentang kutukan dan akibat dari dosa (yang ujungnya adalah maut/kebinasaan di neraka selama-lamanya), pertobatan yang sungguh-sungguh di dalam Yesus, penyucian dari sifat-sifat dosa dengan pertolongan Roh Kudus, taktik licik setan, surga dan neraka.
  • Bernubuat palsu (Bernubuat tetapi hal yang dinubuatkan tidak terjadi)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Prophecy - About Sherry Shriner

"There is a woman who is called Sherry Shriner, she is an author of books and claims she can decipher bible codes. She twists the bible codes to conform into the image she chooses. She says her name Sherry in numerology means YAHWEH and Shriner means Time. Well, now it is TIME for YAHUVEH to expose her in HIS Timing. Sherry Shriner mixes truth with lies. Sherry Shriner is the reptilian alien that she warns about when she wrote and now sells her book “Aliens on the Internet.” She only posts a picture of herself of what she looked like in school years ago. Where is her picture for today? She fears others will see what I, YAHUVEH am revealing now. She works for both sides of the guards one from earth and one from hell.

Sherry Shriner mocks Apostle Paul (Shaul) and says, "Any book in the bible he wrote, throw it out!" She twists scriptures to try and prove Paul was not one of the apostles, so therefore he is of serpent seed. Sherry Shriner has sold her soul to satan and allowed her body to be taken over by alien powers for fame and fortune. She mocks this Ministry and warned Elisabeth when Elisabeth told her that Elisabeth’s middle name is Sherrie and Elisabeth was going by the name Sherrie when she was used to birth Amightywind Ministry. Upon hearing this Sherry Shriner told Elisabeth years ago over the phone, there is room only for one Sherry here, and that is Sherry Shriner, you stay Elisabeth.

Sherry Shriner also did Elisabeth’s name in bible code, which she normally charged a hundred dollars, she let Elisabeth know. She spent days doing her bible code for free and let her know that both of them are generals and leaders. However she let Elisabeth know there were the words “gibberish tongues” in Elisabeth’s bible code. Elisabeth rebuked her and reminded her of what is written in the Book of Acts, that speaking in Holy unknown tongues is speaking in tongues of men and angels. Sherry Shriner argued back and said, "Paul taught that and you have to throw it out."

Sherry Shriner mocks speaking in Holy tongues. She mocks because satan at one time, by her own testimony, gave her demonic tongues. This is because Sherry Shriner had head knowledge and no heart knowledge of the one she called Jesus Christ at the time. Now to confuse people, she calls what the Book of Acts calls speaking in an unknown tongue, the work of the devil. Sherry Shriner is a false prophet, time and again this has been proven as she has given bible codes with dates and nothing comes to pass.

Beware, Sherry Shriner does have some knowledge satan gave to her in exchange for her soul, that she was never to know. Do NOT go to her website, unless you have I, YAHUVEH’s permission, for there are tracking devices for both of the leaders she works for. If you are looking for her to protect you in anyway, beware, for your names are already on a list of hers. If you have purchased the emergency rations she sells, your name is on a list she has compiled. If you are on her email list, beware, you are also on the Governments email list as well as satan's.

Sherry Shriner sells her orgone and claims her orgone will keep demons, aliens, sickness, disease, poverty, and weather disasters, away from you. I, YAHUVEH now decree, Sherry Shriner you have been warned, HOW DARE YOU say something you make with your own hands can defeat the demons, or cure anyone, or control the weather. Sherry Shriner you are a FALSE PROPHET to the highest degree.

You slander Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah, because you know both of you are called to be leaders. She is a leader for I, YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and OUR Beloved, Precious RUACH ha KODESH also called MOMMA WISDOM. Sherry Shriner you have sold your soul to satan, you are one of satan’s leaders, this is true. You have head knowledge, it is true, but that is all you have. You even copy the Hebrew ways of this Messianic Ministry to confuse the people. Before your only target was the Christians in the name of JESUS, now you target the Jews in YAHUSHUA's Name.

Sherry Shriner you are not even who people think you are, you are a worker of iniquity and I warn now, let this broadcast far and wide warn everyone. Sherry Shriner promotes her orgone for the destruction of minds, bodies, spirits and souls! Do not put your faith in orgone, put your faith in I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA to protect you in the days of calamity! She says she knows you can pray to YAHUSHUA for protection, but that is the hard way, instead she says, "Buy her orgone and it is the easy way." BLASPHEMY! Nothing can protect you but the Name and the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

Sherry Shriner I, YAHUVEH rebuke you now for saying, 'Your orgone will protect people from demons and UFO’s full of demonic aliens.' MY Little Ones, do not discard the warning about the UFO’s and aliens, but realize only I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH can and will protect you in the days of calamity and Tribulation. This is the truth about the orgone she makes and sells and tells you to plant all over various parts of the world, or tells you to wear it on a neckchain or put it in your bedrooms or inside your home.

Here is a truth I, YAHUVEH speak forth from Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah. It is Elisabeth that has a Holy Warrior Spirit as David had as a Shepherd Boy, when he battled Goliath. Sherry Shriner is not the grand daughter of King David of old as she claims. In fact Sherry Shriner is a Goliath of evil speaking forth doctrines of devils and secrets revealed to her by satan and mixing in some biblical truths to confuse the people. Sherry Shriner is the 'Alien on the Internet' and she is not what she portrays herself to be. You have been warned. I send you forth Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah, to do what you have asked ME not to do and that is to expose, battle and speak forth words to this 'Alien on the Internet' named Sherry Shriner in the Name of YAHUVEH!

Sherry Shriner you target the Christians and Messianic Jews because they are the ones satan wants to destroy the most. Beware Holy people and warn others. The orgone she makes she claims is her secret recipe and that it works different than other orgone, but in truth it will attract the demons, your homes will become possessed with evil spirits, the land you plant her orgone will be as a tracking device to the devil and the aliens who are already here in disguise. They are satan’s fallen elite troops!

Because you put your faith in her orgone I, YAHUVEH will allow sicknesses to come upon your body. I, YAHUVEH will allow your homes to become infested with evil. I, YAHUVEH will allow poverty where you had prosperity. I will allow the destroyer to destroy all you own if you do not repent, dig up, warn, and demand your money back spent on her books, emergency supplies, and her orgone and redeem the finances I gave you, into Holy ground. I, YAHUVEH have warned you, if you depend on her orgone to protect you, you have been sorely deceived! This image of a woman laughs all the way to the bank because you believed her lies! For those who continue to believe her lies, death and destruction is all you will see.

Why do you think she brags her orgone is better than anyone else's? Because she has a secret recipe? Her orgone will not save anyone, and will harm everyone who does not repent and ask ME for forgiveness for the stupidity of believing the lies sent by satan.

She exposes the enemies of YAHUSHUA for one purpose and that is to gain your trust. Why do you think she calls Benny Hinn evil names, and tells you when he ministers go and plant her orgone where he is ministering around the world? I will tell you why, "It is because this empowers his strange occult fire!" How else can satan get you to take part in planting her orgone if you do not think you are fighting evil? Why do you think she now begs for money to build her orgone factories around the world. Yes, even internationally she wants to contaminate the atmosphere because this benefits satan’s elite forces that are coming from space. They are the Princes and Powers of the Air and some are already here! THEY NEED HER ORGONE!!! This orgone is also affecting global warming, so be warned.

YAHUSHUA’s demon stompers arise now and cover this Ministry and support it in a way you have never done thus far. Write and encourage them and set a time to pray. Let Elisabeth and Niko know they are not alone as they take on these battles in MY Name. Encourage them and set a time on the clock to commit to pray for them and ALL the Partners in this Ministry. I have asked this Ministry to take on attacks from humans and demons, and yet now they are asked to fight in a battle that comes from outer space and the realms of hell itself.

Elisabeth has delayed this word going forth because every time she would read the prophecies concerning this, she would be fought in the supernatural realm and dreams of aliens would attack her. Yet someone must warn MY Holy Children that are caught up with the spirit of mind control and mind manipulation. Even a visit to Sherry Shriner's site without I, YAHUVEH’s permission is dangerous. Do NOT go to her site, do not even look up her name, unless you know you are prayed up, and the devil is bound up along with the demons and you are strong spiritually and you have MY permission. Pray against this evil Sherry Shriner and what she is doing and what she has done.

If you discern you are also to take an active role in rebuking the lies coming from the mouth of this reptilian alien who is also part of satan’s alien elite troop, do it NOW. She names others who are in high profile and governmental positions and calls them reptilian, who better to know another reptilian, than one that is of the same alien elite troop? Beloved Children, I tell you this so you will not fear when you see things come to pass, you thought was only a figment of another's imagination. Even the horror movies you watch depict actual monsterous creatures in hell which will walk this earth during the Great Tribulation.

Do not be deceived there are satanic plants sent from witches and satanists covens, attending and even ministering in Churches and Messianic Temples. They are in the majority of what is called Christian chat rooms and internet Christian forums. And in them satan has his satanic plants placed as vocal speakers, and their job is to chase away anyone that is truly Holy and speaks for YAHUVEH or I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and are filled with OUR Beloved, Precious RUACH ha KODESH. Say not that you have not been warned by this prophet I speak through now.

There are Evangelists and Pastors in what you call Mega Churches, consisting of thousands of members. You will know the Evangelists and Pastors, both men and women, who compromise MY Holy Truths and steal MY glory. You will know the Evangelical Prosperity Pimps who live in mansions and are millionaires and look down upon the poor and middle class. Yet, it is the poor and middle class that has made the Evangelical Prosperity Pimps the millionaires they are today. You can call them the EPP’s, for they will be used as your enemies to introduce and lead people to the false Christ, the only begotten son of satan.

Woe be unto those reading this that give finances to the Mega Churches. I, YAHUSHUA will hold you accountable where you sow your seed, whether it be in fertile ground with uncompromised truth where you are nourished, or if it be in barren ground with manmade doctrines, where only the Pastors get fat off your tithes and offerings."

Nabi/Prophetess Elizabeth Elijah Nikomia, 2007)