Monday, January 21, 2008

Prayer for Personal Salvation

O Father God in Heaven, I come to you because I need your forgiveness. I have done wrong. I confess to you all my sins . I deserve to die for them. I cannot save myself. But I thank you for dying on the cross to take away the guilt and evil in my life. Jesus, save me! Cleanse me! Forgive me! I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead. From now on I receive you and confess you openly as my Lord, Master and Savior. I receive the gift of righteousness from you by faith. Change me Jesus more and more each day to be like you. Be Lord of my spirit, soul and body. Break the power of sin from my life.

As you forgive me, I now forgive all that have hurt me. I turn away from all evil. I renounce Satan and any areas of influence he has in me for any reason (name the areas you know about). In the name of Jesus Christ I command all evil power to leave me now. I purpose now to never accept you evil powers back in my life.

I thank you Father that I am now a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ. I am born again. I am a new person. My sins are forgiven. I am part of the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ lives in me and through me. Thank you Father for the gift of eternal life!

Dear Holy Spirit, I trust you to lead me in the Word of God and prayer every day. Help me to obey the voice of God and fully accomplish God's purposes for my life. Amen.

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