Monday, January 21, 2008

From Wicca to Christ (Kimberly's Story)

When I read Candace's story I couldn't help but feel an eerie sence of familiarity. Much of what had happened to her happened to me, just not to the same harsh extent.

Growing up I had never been to church (beyond the occasional wedding) and my family never really spoke much of God or religion. We were a happy family and maybe that's why we never talked about God or questioned his existence. We never had anything bad happen to make us ask "why?". Then I became a teenager.

I don't know why I was attracted to the rebellious side of being a teen. I wasn't doing it on purpose, it's just what I really wanted to be like. My "crowd" wasn't a bad one, at least we didn't think so, but we got into trouble now and then. I started smoking, ciggerattes and marijuana,drinking and staying out all night and lying to my Mother. I was having sex at 13 and pregnancy scares at 14. I didn't care, I was having fun. Then it all went downhill.

I had broken up with my boyfriend of 5 years, and I was only 16. I started to do anything for any guy who would give me the time of day. Then I did get pregnant, and I thought maybe I had found love again, but it wasn't so. He never beat me but the verbal abuse I put up with threw me into a deep depresion. I tried so hard to be a good mother and house wife (even though we were not married) and nothing was ever good enough. He called me a slut and a whore. He refused to claim his daughter when he knew I was with no one else. He called me fat and lazy while I was pregnant. Sometimes I wished he would have beaten me. It probably would have hurt less. When I thought I could not take it anymore and was on the verge of suicide I happened upon something that would change my life.

I was watching an afternoon talk show one day. The subject was a new religion called Wicca. I heard them talk of thier love and worship of nature and all living creatures and the spiritual force of the earth and I was hooked. I went out and found everything I could on wicca. I trained and practiced and finally I proclaimed myself a bonafide witch. Wicca had opened up a whole new world for me. It gave me hope, it helped me with struggles, and it made me friends. It was a community where I belonged. For once I was happy. I found the courage to take my 3 year old daughter and leave her father, and it was the best choice I had ever made. I moved into my own apartment and I was in total bliss. No more complaining if something wasn't cleaned right or put away in the right place. I was finally on my own. But on your own can be a very lonely place.

I started to pray to my God and Goddess for someone to love me the way I needed to be loved. Someone that understood me. And it happened. He was perfect in every way and we really got along great. We saw each other for a couple of weeks and then we slept together and I never heard from him again. I found out a while later that he was a virgin and that he had only used me to "get it over with" so to speak. I was crushed. What self-esteem I had rebuilt was gone and I went wild. I started sneaking into bars and taking guys home I didn't even know for meaningless sex. Sometimes these guys were 30 or 40 years old and I was only 19 going on 20. I had gone from having had slept with nine people to twenty seven people in two months. I had given up all hope of ever finding someone to love. Then I met Jeff.

I met him while I was working at one of my twelve jobs that I had had in that year. I had never seen him before but I just couldn't get him out of my head. Well he kept coming back and it turned out that his ex-girlfriend was my co-worker and he had her ask me out. I said yes and we went to the only place I knew how to talk to guys at, the bar. We hit it off instantly and I could tell that he wasn't like other guys. At the end of the night he asked for my phone number but I knew as I handed it to him that he would never call. Much to my surprise the phone rang the next day and it was him asking me out on a second date. I twas the start of a long and beautiful relationship. But there was one problem. My beliefs were a conflict to his.

He was a strict christian and I was a witch. He never said anything but I could tell it bothered him. So finally one night we sat down and talked about it. I explained to him that it was what I had chosen because I knew of no other choice. He would talk to me about God and the Bible and I had no idea of anything that he said. So he taught me. I resented it at first but then I started to see so many things falling in to place that I had given dumb luck and Wicca credit for. He explained to me that Christianity was not a religion, it was a relationship. He never got frustrated, even when I did and was patient.

Almost a year into our relationship I accepted Jesus Christ and became a Christian. I have never been happier. I realize now that my ultimate unhappiness came from not knowing where I was going. I know now.

Kimberly S.

1 comment:

  1. If you'd like an alternative to casually approaching girls and trying to figure out the right thing to say...

    If you would rather have women chase YOU, instead of spending your nights prowling around in filthy bars and night clubs...

    Then I encourage you to play this short video to uncover a strange little secret that has the potential to get you your very own harem of hot women just 24 hours from now:

