Monday, January 21, 2008


In 1991 I had just been promoted to the position of a field supervisor. That meant I was in charge of all field activities and vehicles at a station in Rakai District, 150km from the company head office in Entebbe, Uganda. We had a team of several drivers. What I did not know was that two of these drivers were deeply involved in witchcraft purposely to prevent anybody from taking over their jobs or driving trucks allocated to them. My schedule required me to visit the field station regularly. On this particular day I decided to drive one of the company Toyota Hilux double cabin pick-up myself. I drove without using a company driver. What I did not know was that the man who usually drove this vehicle had known of my trip and had, the previuos night,contacted a powerful witch who made sacrifices in that vehicle.

I left Entebbe at about 3:00pm destined for Kalisizo, 145km away. I will never start the engine without prayer, so I asked for God's protection. When I reached Kitubulu, 4km along Entebbe-Kampala road, I realised something strange. Instead of keeping in a straight line on the left of the road [**In Uganda we drive on the left], I felt a strange push that kept me veering to the right. I was almost crushing into vehicles heading into the opposite direction. At first I thought it was unbalanced tyre pressure causing this. So I had all pressure measured accordingly. Back on the road, again I was experiencing the same veering force! I prayed to God and asked for the protection of Jesus Christ. As I was about to reach the field station, I heard a sound in the bonnet but I just continued driving as it was already dark. When I reached the station, I realised God had given me special protection because the battery broke out of its position as I was driving. As I rested in my room at night, I wondered why all these things had happened to me. I did not know that I was battling powerful demonic forces planted in the vehicle. I prayed feverishly and I slept. While sleeping, God never revealed to me anything in a dream or scripture.

In the morning I was so surprised by a question from co-worker who did not even know Jesus personally. She asked me: "Makko, are you O.K??" I told Mary that I was fine. "Why are you asking?" I inquired. She told me that at night she saw a strange dream about me. I became anxious and asked her to tell me what she dreamt. "In that dream I saw our two drivers Duhagi and Kolwaga [the two real names have been altered here to prevent publicity] seated on a cliff near a road looking at that vehicle you drove yesterday. In this dream, they had put a big snake accross the front tyres and another big snake accross the rear tyres. They were saying: 'LET US SEE HOW HE WILL DRIVE THAT VEHICLE!!" She continued: "But in this dream I saw you had killed the snake at the front. You had beaten the one at the back but it did not die and was still alive" That was her dream.

I always take dreams seriously because God has used them to speak to me. So I went back to my room and thanked God for reavealing my enemies and for showing me the secrets of the spirit realm. What I later regretted was that I did not go into deep prayer that morning. Yet, from the dream I had been told that "one of the snakes was still alive". Surely enough, as I was driving that morning in that same vehicle towards Kabundabunda, in Kabula subcounty, one of the tyre levers springs broke into two. This was a new old vehicle with very strong springs, so I realised that I was dealing with very powerful wicked spiritual forces. Realising that there is someone who wants me to die in an accident, I got annoyed and pulled out my pocket NIV Bible. I told the two passengers Fred and Mary that they had seen the power of Satan, now it was high time to see the power of God. I do not know where the words I spoke came from. I found myself saying: "In four days, the very same thing my enemies wanted to happen to me will happen to them because it is written in this Bible: "If a man digs a pit, he will fall into it; if a man rolls a stone, it will roll back on him" Proverbs 26:27.

I did not know that God had taken these words and scripture very seriously.

That night as I was sleeping, God showed me a strange vision. I saw a big snake running out the vehicle I was driving and quickly entered the vehicle of my two enemies. The following day as these two men were driving their car, it was involved in an accident and almost killed them. That was four days after I had quoted the scripture in the Bible. Fred and Mary saw the broken car of Duhagi and Kolwaga and they remembered my words four days ago. They said, like Pharaoh did: "Surely God is God and most powerful!!"

May God bless and strengthen the faith of all Christians.

Makko Musagara

1 comment:

  1. If you have been blessed by the testimony above, please read my other 27 personal, faith-building, testimonies in my book "Overcoming Satan in One Short Sentence" (ISBN: 978-1603833936)Published by Holy Fire Publishing, USA.

    Makko Musagara
