Monday, January 11, 2010

Prophecy - Yisrael, Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat!

"...It was the Romans that nailed ME to that cross. The Romans sacrificed MY Children who worship ME in truth. The Romans built a coliseum to mock ME as they tortured MY Children, beheaded, sawed them asunder, various methods of death, torture, stoning, fed them to the lions and killed men, women and children for sport, for pleasure. Beware the Roman Empire seeks to do it again, yes, to you also Oh Yisrael. Beware the one who comes to you Yisrael wearing a long robe, carrying a scepter, sits on a throne speaking peace in MY NAME and yet no peace is found in him. He serves not the ELOHIM of peace. He sat in the unholy temple and even removed his shoes putting on white slippers that have no purity in them, as if to say this is hallow ground and he who is to stand for the ELOHIM of Creation damned his soul in a new way that day.

This man that has worshippers worshipping HIM broke HaShem ADONAI'S law just as surely as it was a golden calf like Aaron made to worship. Thou shall have no other ELOHIMS before ME. The word should not say before ME, it should say thou shall have NO other ELOHIMS but ME! "I AM" who needs no other name. For "I AM" who "I AM" and there is no other! Beware of the spiritual leaders who come from the Roman Empire. Yisrael, you are being sold to the highest bidder and you don't even realize it. But Yisrael, no one can sell what hasn't been given to them. For Yisrael belongs to HaShem ADONAI. I made a promise to your forefather Abraham and I am not a man that I lie.

The blood of the martyrs is like mortar that holds the stones of the coliseum together, blood that cries out for vengeance on MY enemies. Be not deceived, those who sit so high up and think they are as an Elohim for "I AM" is not a ELOHIM to be mocked for long! The ones killing MY children will be in those coliseums in Hell. It will be reenacted and the ways the enemies kill and torture MY Children, shall be done unto them for eternity again and again and again! MY Son YAHUSHUA did not take vengeance but instead prayed for not only the ones crucifying, beating, torturing, and humiliating him but for all of Yisrael and the world. You believe I, Ha Shem ADONAI speaks forth from prophets of old, why can you not believe I, HaShem ADONAI and YAHUSHUA speak forth from MY Servants, Apostles and Prophets?"

(E.E.N, 2001)

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