Monday, January 11, 2010

Prophecy - Hear ME, Fear ME, Believe ME!

"There is a spiritual leader with another spiritual leader yet to come who sits on a great throne. He wears a crown of jewels, holds a scepter in his hand, people bow low to him, worship, reverence him, laws are passed by this unholy manmade king that was created by the Roman Empire. And in boldness through MY handmaiden I say in 1999, you will see this so called unholy king rewrite MY Commandments putting another god before the people. This time a woman who is to be a goddess. She is said to be part of the godhead, but is NOT!

BEWARE when they attach the name Mary to Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Beware of the doctrines of men. There is but one Godhead, the Great GOD "I AM" YAHUVEH who is your Creator and heavenly Father and YAHUSHUA, MY Son who is your MESSIAH and the RUACH ha KODESH! NONE OTHER! There are NO other intercessors in Heaven. Only coming to ME in the NAME of YAHUSHUA will I hear you. For those who refuse to believe this, what will you do when you find all your sacrifices, prayers in other Saint's names have been in vain.

It is satan that has deceived you. For you have put other gods before ME that are no gods at all! What will you say when you stand before YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA when you find out there is no Purgatory, only Heaven or hell and you can not pray anyone out of hell no matter how many candles you light. You cannot be forgiven no matter how many Hail Mary's you say. At the hour of your death, stop calling on the name of MY Son's mother Mary, she cannot help you only the NAME of YAHUSHUA can. It was not her blood shed at Calvary but MY Son, YAHUSHUA's Blood shed at Calvary. That is the only atonement for sin."


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