Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Prophecy - About Oprah Winfrey

"Do not follow Oprah Winfrey. Do not support her, or encourage her, by watching her programs or buying her books she promotes. Oprah Winfrey will send you to hell if you believe Oprah’s gospel. She rebukes Children of MINE before the world, who were sent to warn her that there is only one way to Heaven and that is through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. The women I used to do battle with her called ME by the Greek name JESUS CHRIST when they confronted her on her television program. Oprah battled with them before millions and rebuked them angrily and said, 'She refused to believe there is only one way to Heaven.' She believes there are multiple paths to Heaven, one way can not be right.

Beware of Oprah Winfrey, as I prophesied through Elisabeth Elijah years ago she has sold her soul to satan for fame and fortune and now does her good works saying, "Good works is one of her way’s to heaven." She became a Judas and where once she taught the truth, she has now forsaken it and chosen a path that leads to hell. You have been warned, and I will hold MY Holy Children accountable for supporting or encouraging her in anyway. Oprah Winfrey will lead souls to the antichrist, the one I call the only begotten son of satan, who came before in the form of Judas."

(Prophetess Elisabeth.E.N, 2007)


  1. Trima kasih info yang sangat berharga supaya segala taktik iblis menjadi nyata untuk orang-orang yang mau menuju SORGA.

  2. Elisabeth.E.N,itu siapa????
    artikel bhs inggris ditranslate ke bahasa indonesia dooong, jadi males bacanya...hehe
    maklum inggris gua ancur abis...

  3. Frenz jaman sekarang banyak nabi2 palsu.. yang memberitakan seolah2 dr Tuhan.

    Adapun ciri2 false prophet/ nabi palsu adalah:
    1. Ingin diperhatikan/
    2. Ingin populer/ terkenal.
    3. Ingin diakui dan memiliki pengaruh.
    4. Sombong/ suka pamer
    5. Hanya memikirkan ttg dirinya sendiri.
    6. Self willed/hanya focus agar keinginannya yg terjadi
    7. Ingin dipuja dan memiliki kontrol atas orang.

    Mohon luangkan wkt anda sekalian untuk membaca link website dibawah ini:


    untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut dan untuk teman yg ingin mengetahui lbh detail ttd een... elisabeth elijah tsb..

    Tuhan Yesus memberkati.
