Monday, January 21, 2008

A Sinner Seeking to Be Saved

I was living a life with addictions. i was addicted to cigarettes, pot, porn. I had a filthy cursing habit. i cursed in every sentence i was guilty of hating people, i was full of unhappiness, i had no peace because i was full of sin in my life i had no hope in where i would spend eternity. i would read the bible and ask God to forgive me of my sins but the next day i would continue to not be changed. i never fully repented. you see i wanted to continue to partake in my sins and have forgiveness too. boy was i wrong.

The Holy spirit of God convicted my spirit one day and i then understood what repentance meant. Turn toward God yield completely to him and trust in Christ for what he done on the cross for you. you can't save yourself you will fail every time.
Jesus saves and only Jesus. Just believe and repent. that means to turn away from sin and rely on Christ to wash and cleanse you in his shed blood that he shed on the cross for your sins.then read the word and get into a bible believing church. Where you're at right now you can receive Christ.

Pray: Lord Jesus forgive me for i am a sinner cleanse me from all unrighteousness come into my heart as i trust you thank you Lord Jesus for saving my soul and giving me life eternal.

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