Thursday, January 17, 2008

Muslim Masuk Kristen (Tahir Iqbal. 1960 - 1992)

Saudara Tahir Iqbal adalah seorang Kristian bangsa Pakistan. Dia telah hidup dan meninggal seturut dengan nas dari Wahyu 2:10 :

“Hendaklah engkau setia sampai mati, dan Aku akan mengaruniakan kepadamu mahkota kehidupan.”

Tahir Iqbal berasal dari keluarga Muslim tradisional. Dia bekerja di Angkatan Tentara Udara Pakistan dan kelihatannya masa depannya terjamin. Namun, karena penyakit, separuh badannya lumpuh dan dia harus menggunakan kerusi roda. Dia akhirnya telah dibuang oleh keluarganya. Untuk memenuhi keperluan makanannya, dia membuka toko reparasi jam.

Suatu saat ada orang-orang Kristian yang baik terhadapnya dan memberinya sebuah Al-Kitab, dia pun mulai membacanya. Tiga bulan kemudian Tahir memeluk ajaran Kristian dan sering bersaksi kepada pelanggan-pelanggannya. Dan dia memberi pelajaran gratis bagi anak-anak. Hal ini membuat imam ‘agama lain’ marah karena pendapatannya dari mengajar menyusut karena kebaikan hati Tahir. Suatu saat imam ini mendapati Tahir menulis catatan-catatan dalam bahasa Inggeris dalam Qur’annya. Hal tersebut kononnya dapat dianggap sebagai ’perbuatan dosa’.

Imam ini melapurkan Tahir kepada polisi. Akhirnya Tahir dituntut karena telah kononnya menghina nabi orang itu. Menurut hukum agama orang itu, dia harus dihukum mati. Pada tahun 1990 hakim telah memenjarakannya kembali, meskipun uang tebusan sudah disediakan, dia tetap belum dibebaskan. Selama 19 bulan berikutnya, Iqbal ditempatkan dalam sel yang sangat kecil. Dia berusaha untuk mendapatkan Al-Kitab dan mendistribusikan 20 Alkitab dalam penjara.

Meskipun telah menulis surat kepada pemerintah yang berwenang, Tahir Iqbal tetap berada dalam penjara dan menderita sehingga muntah darah. Akhirnya dia telah kembali ke Rahmatullah dalam penjara karena luka-luka yang dideritakan akibat dianiaya maupun diracuni. Dia dikubur dengan cara ‘agama lain’ dan doa pemakaman telah dibacakan olah imam yang sebelumnya telah menganiaya dan melukainya.

Selama berada dalam penjara Tahir Iqbal sering kali diberi janji akan dibebaskan segera jika dia mengingkari iman Kristennya. Dia menanggapi, “Saya lebih baik mencium tiang gantungan, saya tidak akan pernah menyangkal iman saya.

Apa tanggapan kita terhadap tantangan semacam itu? Siapkah kita mati demi Isa Al-Masih? Bersediakah kita menyangkal diri kita sendiri, sambil memikul salib kita dan mengikutiNya?
Inilah jalan menuju kehidupan kekal abadi.



  2. Ya iyalah, masa ya iya pret.
    Iblis2 memang gentar akan kekuatan kebenaran dari Nama Yesus Kristus.

    Saudara pembaca, jika ada yg belum percaya Isa Almasih sebagai Jalan Lurus yang menyelamatkan, mulai sekarang percayalah !!!

    Percaya Isa / Yesus Kristus = Masuk ke dalam Sorga yang sebenarnya, Sorga yang sejati !!!

  3. Benar…..teman yang terkasih di dalam Kristus.

    Nama Tuhan Yesus adalah nama diatas segala nama. Semua lidah akan mengaku dan semua lutut akan bertelut menyembah bahwa Yesus Kristus adalah Tuhan bagi kemuliaan Allah Bapa. Dia Raja dari segala raja, Dia Raja diatas segala raja, Dia Tuhan diatas segala tuhan, Dia Tuan diatas segala tuan, Dia Allah diatas segala allah, Dia Firman Allah Yang Hidup yaitu Tuhan Allah Raja Semesta Alam, pencipta langit dan bumi, dunia dan segala isinya dan semua yang ada di dalamnya, yang kepada-Nya orang benar akan datang dan berharap akan kasih setia-Nya.

    Soli Deo Gloria
    (Ev. Ir. Orlando Ginting)

  4. Shalom..Kasih Allah di dalam Kristus menyertai kita semua.. Bro…saya mau kasih komentar neh…okey..

    Dalam Keluaran 6, istilah “El Sadday” muncul bersamaan dengan penyingkapan nama Allah yang khusus dan satu-satunya yang pernah Allah singkapkan (dalam Perjanjian Lama), yaitu Yahweh (YHWH). Meskipun ini juga bahasa antropomorphisme, tetapi ini secara khusus dipakai oleh Allah untuk menamai diri-Nya. Ia berfirman bahwa YHWH adalah nama-Nya selama-lamanya (Bdk. Kel 3:15). Maksudnya tentu bukan secara harafiah lalu selama-lamanya orang percaya hanya boleh memanggil Allah dengan nama tersebut (karena realitanya anak-anak Tuhan dalam Perjanjian Lama juga tidak selalu memanggil Allah dengan nama tersebut. Bahkan mereka menterjemahkan dengan kata Yunani “Kyrios atau Adonai” atau Lord/ Tuhan atau terjemahan Latin “Dominus”). Jadi, jikalau Allah menyingkapkan YHWH sebagai nama-Nya, maksudnya adalah :
    1. Ia ingin dikenal oleh umat-Nya sebagai Allah (Elohim) dari Abraham, Ishak, dan Yakub yang nama-Nya YHWH (tentragramaton atau empat konsonan yaitu Yod, He, Wau, dan He). Yaitu Allah “ El Sadday” yang mampu memberikan jaminan pemenuhan segala yang dijanjikan. Untuk ini dengan tepat, Martin Buber menterjemahkan “ ehyeh asher ehyeh/ I am that I am” dengan terjemahan “ I will be atau “ I am the causes to be” artinya “ Aku adalah Allah yang setia pada janji-Nya yang selalu sedang berkarya untuk membebaskan umat-Nya”.
    2. Ia ingin dikenal secara pribadi dan unik oleh umat-Nya. Bukan sebagai Elohim atau sebutan Allah yang “umum” yang bangsa-bangsa kafirpun pakai. Ia memang Allah karena hanya ada satu Allah atau El/Elohim (Ul 6:4, Mark 12:32, 1 Tim 2:5, Yak 2:19) sehingga umat-Nya boleh memanggil Dia dengan sebutan “Allah” juga. Tetapi Ia ingin supaya umat-Nya menyadari bahwa Ia adalah “ Allah YHWH” atau Elohim YHWH atau YHWH Elohim. Artinya Ia adalah Allah Elohim yang “ YHWH” yaitu yang setia dengan perjanjian (covenant) sehingga terus-menerus sedang berkarya untuk membebaskan umat-Nya dari belenggu dosa. Nama yang menunjuk pada karya Allah yang menemukan pemenuhannya dalam “ Yesus Kristus”, yaitu “ Nama diatas segala nama “.
    Dalam Perjanjian Lama YHWH masih dibedakan dari Adonai karena karya keselamatan belum disempurnakan di dalam Dia (Kristus). Ini nampak dengan jelas dalam perbedaan pemakaian kata Tuhan untuk YHWH dan Tuhan untuk Adonai. Nabi Yesaya, misalnya, menyaksikan perjumpaannya dengan Tuhan/Adonai/Lord (hanya satu huruf besar) dalam Yesaya 6 dan bukan TUHAN/LORD/YHWH (semua huruf besar) seperti yang dijumpai oleh Musa ( Kel 3). Baru kemudian, setelah Tuhan Yesus Kristus menyelesaikan secara sempurna karya penebusan-Nya, Ia diberi Nama diatas segala nama, dan semua lidah akan mengaku bahwa Yesus adalah TUHAN/ YHWH yaitu kemuliaan Allah, kemuliaan Bapa (FIL 2:9-10). Diluar Kristus, Bapa tak pernah dapat dipermuliakan.

    Soli Deo Gloria in Kristos

  5. Shalom..Kasih karunia Allah di dalam Kristus menyertai kita semua..Amin
    Bro and sis…gw ingin kasih comment..neh..

    Nurcholish Madjid (Islam, Doktrin dan Peradaban, Jakarta : Paramadina,1992) juga mengatakan bahwa yang disebut Al-Islam adalah “sikap pasrah sepenuhnya kepada Allah, yang merupakan sikap keagamaan sejati,dan karena itu, siapapun yang bersikap demikian, meskipun diluar Islam, akan memperoleh keselamatan”. Suatu pengakuan yang dijiwai spirit toleransi beragama yang begitu baik, yang juga tersirat dalam keputusan Konsili Vatikan II yang mengakui bahwa keselamatan juga terdapat dalam ajaran lain selain Katolik Roma. Spirit yang intinya sama, yaitu “ Ketulusan batin dan kehidupan dalam kebenaran” sebagai tanda dari kehadiran Allah dalam hidup manusia.
    Memang prinsip “agama-agama humanisme” ini paling menyentuh dan paling cocok dengan jiwa, perasaan, dan pikiran agamaniah manusia, sehingga begitu cepat dapat diterima oleh hampir setiap pimpinan agama di dunia. Tidak heran jikalau dengan prinsip ini, banyak pemimpin Kristenpun diam-diam menganggap Mother Theresa, Sidharta Gautama, Mahatma Gandhi (moralis India) setara dengan (bukan hanya lebih populer dari) Yesus Kristus.Akar..dari semuanya ini adalah spirit “AGAMA HUMANISME” yang telah merasuk dalam jiwa manusia jaman ini. “ IMAN YANG SEJATI” semakin lama semakin tidak dikenal lagi, karena intinya telah diganti dengan dengan “KEBAIKAN-KEBAIKAN MANUSIAWI”, dengan realita kehadiran hati yang tulus, batin yang mengasihi sesama tanpa pamrin, dan perbuatan baik yang betul-betul membangun keutuhan hidup ini. Apakah praduga “SPIRIT AGAMA HUMANISME” ini merupakan kebenaran…??. Saya percaya bahwa kebenaran spirit agama humanisme bukanlah kebenaran iman yang sejati.Ada salah mengerti yang sangat serius yang membutuhkan penjelasan…
    Puji Tuhan !…Saya bersyukur bahwa iman Kristen tidak terjerat oleh spirit agama humanisme ini.Kristus berulang kali menegaskan bahwa Ia datang bukan untuk “orang benar” tetapi untuk “orang berdosa yang sadar akan dosanya” ( Mat 9:13, Luk 23:40-43). Tidak ada seorangpun yang benar di hadapan Allah..karena semua manusia sudah berdosa dan telah kehilangan kemulian Allah..dan upah dosa adalah maut (Roma 3:23). Sehingga tidak ada seorangpun yang tidak membutuhkan penebusan darah Kristus..dan pengampunan dosa sebagai “JALAN KESELAMATAN ALLAH”……”YANG DISEDIAKAN UNTUK MANUSIA” ( Yoh 14:6, Yoh 3:16). “ IMAN” bukanlah perbuatan (Eff 2:8). Oleh sebab itu iman disebut anugerah…, karena mereka yang bisa beriman kepada “JALAN KESELAMATAN YANG ALLAH SEDIAKAN” adalah mereka yang sudah menerima anugerah tersebut ( Roma 3:22-24). Tanpa anugerah, tak mungkin manusia mau dan bisa beriman pada Tuhan Yesus sebagai jalan keselamatan Allah, karena logika manusia tersebut tidak cocok dengan jiwa agamaniah manusia. Tak mungkin manusia percaya, bahwa kegagalan yang mereka upayakan untuk mencapai keselamatan (UPAYA YANG MEMANG MUSTAHIL) telah dikerjakan oleh Kristus bagi mereka yang percaya (Roma 8:3). Hanya Yesus Kristus saja dibawah kolong langit ini yang pernah berkata : “AKULAH JALAN DAN KEBENARAN DAN HIDUP,..TIDAK ADA SEORANGPUN YANG SAMPAI KEPADA BAPA KECUALI MELALUI AKU” ( Yoh 14:6). “Iman”..sekali lagi “Iman”..bukan perbuatan. “IMAN YANG SEJATI” adalah syarat satu-satunya yang memungkinkan lahirnya “SUATU PERBUATAN YANG DIPERKENAN ALLAH”, yaitu keselamatan yang sejati ( Roma 10:8b-9). Iman kepada Jalan Keselamatan yang disediakan ALLAH, yaitu YESUS KRISTUS, adalah titik awal perbuatan “baik” yang diperkenan Allah, yaitu perbuatan baik yang mempunyai nilai-nilai kekekalan. Karena perbuatan baik yang bagaimanapun mulianya, DILUAR IMAN YANG SEJATI ( Kasih Allah dalam Kristus, atau kasih Agaphe) hanyalah gong dan genta yang gemerincingan, yang cuma mengherankan perasaan manusia untuk sementara saja tetapi tidak mempunyai nilai-nilai kekekalan pada dirinya sendiri ( 1 Kor 13:3 )


    Christian Protestant Reformed Ministry

  6. pantas dikatakan pahlawan iman,iman yang kaya gini yang patut ditiru oleh umat kristen lainnya,saya salut tuh,GBU

  7. pantas dikatakan pahlawan iman,iman yang kaya gini yang patut ditiru oleh umat kristen lainnya,saya salut tuh,GBU

  8. Tuhan Allah sungguh unik, jika kita mendalami alkitab dengan ketulusan tanpa ada rasa kebencian dihati niscaya kita akan mendapatkan jawabanya, hal yang diluar nalar dan akal manusia dan rahasia kasih sayang terhadap sesama ada disana, maka bacalah alkitab dengan hati,bukan hanya dengan pikiran saja, misteri tentang Allah ada disana jika dibaca dengan hati dan pikiran kamu dapat mengerti dan menerjemahkan apa yang termaksud di dalam Alkitab.
    kadang2 saya juga bertanya apakah sebenarnya Tuhan menginginkan dibela atas keadan keagaamaan umatnya yang sekarang saling membenarkan diri, tapi saya yakin Tuhan Maha Adil dan Maha kuat dan jika dia punya kuasa atas manusia saya yakin tidak harus menunggu hari kiamat tuhan akan langsung menghukum umat yang menghina dirinya dengan tanganya, umat kristen dianggap menghina Allah jika kami benar menghina Mu hukumlah kami dan keturunan kami karna kesalahan kami dalam mengartikan engkau , tapi jika benar berikanlah kami rahmatmu perlindungan dan cinta kasihmu , dan yakinkan kepada kami bahwa misteri tentang keAllahan-Mu yang didalam alkitab adalah benar dan Kau berkati kebenaranya. jika kami salah hukumlah kami dengan tanganmu sendiri karena engkau maha kuasa.

  9. Salam sejahtera kpd orang yang percayakan Tuhan, untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut,layarilah

    Christianity's biggest lies, the Crucifixion and Resurrection, were never prophesied in the Bible's Old Testament!

    You'll also see how John 19:36 falsely referenced Psalm 34:20 about the unbroken bones of Jesus, when Psalm 34:19-20 were talking about any righteous man.

    Also, please visit: Chapter Psalm 91 clearly and indisputably confirms that Jesus never got crucified!

    Exposing the false trinity - A youtube channel by brother Brahim.

    Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "The Incomprehensible Nature of God and his Son" article.

    Thoroughly refuting and exposing Sam Shamoun's trinity-lies and absurdities in Proverbs 30:4 where he tried to falsely prove trinity through it.

    The Trinity Audio Debate!

    (click here)

    Listen to brother Sami Zaatari destroy Sam Shamoun's arguments!

    WARNING!! Sam Shamoun kept throwing foul insults! Viewer's discretion is advised.

    What does "Jesus is the heir" really mean? Does it mean he is the heir of GOD Almighty, or is this just another trinitarian lie?


    My (Sami's) Review of the Debate with Sam Shamoun on Is Jesus God?


    Exposing the lying missionary Sam Shamoun - Response to his small debate review.

    Responding to Answering-Islam’s (wildcat's) debate Review.

    This web site gives a good review on Sam Shamoun's foul character.

    Another Trinity Audio Debate!

    (click here)

    Listen to brother Sami Zaatari debate a Christian preacher!

    Debate review with Christian preacher: preacher goes mad! Warning the preacher gave many foul insults!

    The Shamoun-Winn Trinity Debate!

    pulsar.gif (2171 bytes) Sam Shamoun VS Craig Winn on what trinity really means! pulsar.gif (2171 bytes)

    See how the two trinitarian-stooges proved that trinity is no more than a big lie!

    Jesus used the word "Muslim" in Luke 6:40.

    What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Islam? Why can't we call it GOD?
    # What about The Holy Spirit? (By Sami Zaatari)

    # Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun: Is the Holy Spirit Omniscient? (By Abdullah Smith)

    # Counter Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun: Is the Holy Spirit Omniscient? (By Abdullah Smith)
    # Part II
    # Part III
    # Part IV.

    My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Examining the Evidence which proves that the Spirit is God" blasphemous article.
    Learn about trinities that existed and still exist today. One of them is the "Holy Family Trinity". The trinity of father, mother and child (son).

    See how the Noble Quran addressed all of them (the trinities).


    Both the Noble Quran and the Bible claim that GOD Almighty is an Absolute One and only One:

    "Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him. (The Noble Quran, 112:1-4)"

    "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. (From the NIV Bible, Deuteronomy 6:4)"

    "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. (From the NIV Bible, Mark 12:29)"

    Notice also how Jesus said "our God", which included him to be under GOD Almighty's creation and Divine Authority, and not someone or an entity that is equal to GOD Almighty.

    The Bible's New Testament also records Jesus saying: ""Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good–except God alone." (From the NIV Bible, Mark 10:18)"

    If Jesus doesn't consider himself as "good", then how can any sane person put him on the same level as GOD Almighty?

    I have yet to see a good answer to this one by any polytheist trinitarian.

    Also, another important point to notice in Mark 10:18 is the word "alone": ""Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good–except God alone." (From the NIV Bible, Mark 10:18)"

    Jesus in this verse is clearly giving exclusivity to GOD Almighty when he said "alone". If Jesus was truly part of GOD Almighty and/or the trinity lie was true, then Jesus, to say the least, would not have said that.

    My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's absurdities regarding Mark 10:18 where Jesus said he was not "good".

    1- Answering Trinity:

    *** Trinitarian Christians often refer to trinity as the "Holy Trinity". A very powerful statement indeed for a satanic word that doesn't even exist, not even once, in the Bible!!

    (a) The Absolute Oneness of GOD Almighty in the Bible:

    The early Christians rejected Trinity. Early Christians had major problems and disagreements about who truly Jesus was and whether or not he got crucified or not.

    Early Christians' Doctrines confirm Jesus DID NOT GET crucified. See proofs that the early Christians' scriptures during the 1st and 2nd centuries claimed that GOD Almighty Saved Jesus from crucifixion.

    The New Testament confirms the Apocalypse (Revelation in Greek) of Peter which claims that Jesus never died on the cross!

    The "God" title in the Bible was given to others in the Old and New Testaments. Answering Isaiah 9:6. The "El" (God) title that was given to Jesus in the Old Testament, and the "HOTHEOS" (God) title in the New Testament, were given to others before and after Jesus in the Bible. The only UNIQUE title that exists in the Bible is "Yahweh", which means "The Eternal".

    Emanuel, Emmanuel, Yahshua, Yeshua, Yashua, Immanuel and Imanuel. These were all "Godly" names given to others before and after Jesus in the Bible. None of them is unique. Only "Yahweh" was GOD Almighty's Unique Name.

    My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "How can Jesus be God when the Hebrew Bible says God is not a man?" article.

    Jesus had no Divine Will according to the New Testament. How could he be our Creator?
    Ten detailed sub sections in this article:
    1- Jesus said he had no Divine Will.
    2- Jesus' repetitive Prayers contradicted his very own teachings.
    3- Jesus begged GOD Almighty for Mercy.
    4- Jesus prostrated to GOD Almighty only once during his most desperate times! This is hypocrisy by the way.
    5- GOD Almighty Created pain and death, and yet, Jesus feared them.
    6- The GOD of the O.T. Punishes to death those who cursed HIS HOLY NAME. How could Jesus escape to Egypt from King Herod and still be this Mighty and Arrogant GOD?
    7- In original Hebrew, "son of GOD" literally means "SERVANT OF GOD". See proofs.
    8- What about the authority in Heaven and Earth that was given to Jesus?
    9- None of Jesus' Miracles were unique in the Bible.
    10- Conclusion.

    History of the Bible's Corruption! None of Jesus' disciples witnessed the crucifixion. They "all fled" and "deserted" Jesus. This further proves Islam's claims!

    No one knows who wrote the Bible's books and gospels. None of Jesus' disciples wrote any of the gospels! See comments from the NIV Bible's theologians, and historical and archeological proofs that clearly prove this.

    Are these Paul's words or GOD Almighty's Divine and UNCOMPROMISED Revelations??!!

    For a lot more details and proofs, please visit: Contradictions and Detailed History of the Bible's Corruption.

    Anyway, continuing on....

    Obvious mistranslations of the Hebrew Manuscripts. See proofs of alterations and deceptions done by the Jews and Christians to disprove Islam in the Bible.

    Answering Trinity- A full proof from the Bible that Jesus is not GOD.

    The Hidden Truth: Trinity.

    The absolute Oneness of GOD Almighty in the Bible's Old Testament.

    Texts referring to GOD as "One, Alone, None Other, None Else".

    Principles of Bible Interpretation about GOD Almighty.

    The word "LORD" in the Bible referring to the Almighty GOD alone.

    The word "Elohim" proves Trinity?

    More on absolute Oneness of GOD Almighty in the Bible's Old Testament.

    ****** The "God" title in the Bible was given to others in the OT and NT. Answering Isaiah 9:6. The "El" (God) title that was given to Jesus in the Old Testament, and the "HOTHEOS" (God) title in the New Testament, were given to others before and after Jesus in the Bible. The only UNIQUE title that exists in the Bible is "Yahweh", which means "The Eternal".

    Emanuel, Emmanuel, Yahshua, Yeshua, Yashua, Immanuel and Imanuel. These were all "Godly" names given to others before and after Jesus in the Bible. None of them is unique. Only "Yahweh" was GOD Almighty's Unique Name.

    My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "How can Jesus be God when the Hebrew Bible says God is not a man?" article.

    Answering Jeremiah 23:5-6: A big blow to Sam Shamoun's trinity nonsense existing in the Old Testament.

    My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Refuting Osama Abdallah on Jeremiah 23:5-6" article.

    The Bible directly claims that ANY "Son of GOD" is a "God"! (Refutation to Jesus' being God meaning that he is GOD Almighty).

    "Let us create" in Genesis 1:26-27 doesn't prove trinity. See how the Bible clearly defines "our likeness" and "our image" as having the knowledge of Good and evil, and not physically looking like GOD Almighty, which soundly refutes the lie of trinity.

    Genesis 1:26 Re-interpreted.

    Does GOD's spirit in Jesus prove that Jesus is GOD? Others had it too. GOD's Spirit came upon many others beside Jesus.

    Jesus being at GOD Almighty's "Right Hand" is only SYMBOLIC and not literal in the Bible.

    "Jesus is my lord and savior" actually CONTRADICTS the Old Testament. The Old Testament clearly talks about Believing in One GOD Almighty and doing Righteousness saving you. No need for mediators (Jesus or idols) between you and GOD Almighty, your Creator.

    Did GOD Almighty really appear in A FORM OF A MAN to Abraham in Genesis 17 and 18 (specifically in Genesis 18:2)?

    The figurative speech in the Bible proves that Jesus must not be MAGNIFIED to the level of the Creator!

    Evolution of the Deity Of Christ Throughout the Gospels.

    Rebuttal to Answering Islam's Article "Why Did God Become Human?"

    Rebuttal to Answering Islam's Article "On The Philosophical Necessity of the Trinity Based On The Attributes Of God".

    Trinitarians do Worship Three God's.

    Trinity is false according to many Biblical verses in both the Old and New Testaments. By Pierre Leverette.

    Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "The Incomprehensible Nature of God and his Son" article. Thoroughly refuting and exposing Sam Shamoun's trinity-lies and absurdities in Proverbs 30:4 where he tried to falsely prove trinity through it.

    (b) Jesus and his personal claims:

    A serious forgery in Luke 24:44-48 about Jesus' "resurrection on the third day" claiming that it was foretold in the OT when it wasn't!

    Forgery of Matthew 23.

    Psalm 22 and 88 confirm Islam's claim about Jesus never got crucified.

    What does "Jesus is the heir" really mean? Does it mean he is the heir of GOD Almighty, or is this just another trinitarian lie?

    Was Jesus really sinless? AUDIO session.

    Jesus is a hypocrite for bowing down to GOD only during his desperate times. See another proof in the Bible that Jesus can not be the Creator of the Universe.

    Jesus using the word "Muslim" in Luke 6:40.

    Jesus said: I do not know, only GOD Almighty Knows, when he was asked about the Hour.

    10 Reasons why Jesus is not God!

    Did Jesus really forgive sins? Or is this another trinity lie?

    Jesus had no Divine Will according to the New Testament. How could he be our Creator?
    Ten detailed sub sections in this article:
    1- Jesus said he had no Divine Will.
    2- Jesus' repetitive Prayers contradicted his very own teachings.
    3- Jesus begged GOD Almighty for Mercy.
    4- Jesus prostrated to GOD Almighty only once during his most desperate times! This is hypocrisy by the way.
    5- GOD Almighty Created pain and death, and yet, Jesus feared them.
    6- The GOD of the O.T. Punishes to death those who cursed HIS HOLY NAME. How could Jesus escape to Egypt from King Herod and still be this Mighty and Arrogant GOD?
    7- In original Hebrew, "son of GOD" literally means "SERVANT OF GOD". See proofs.
    8- What about the authority in Heaven and Earth that was given to Jesus?
    9- None of Jesus' Miracles were unique in the Bible.
    10- Conclusion.

    Is Jesus God in the Quran?

    Is Jesus God Because Satan Called Him "The Holy One Of God"?

    Would you take this man as God?

    God has God?

    Dead men walking.

    Satan's temptations for 40 days to Jesus and his cause of SUFFERING to him prove that Jesus is not and can not be GOD.

    "Brother MENJ's paper on Jesus obeying satan. How can Jesus be the Creator of the Universe when he was tempted by satan and obeyed him for a little while? This clearly takes away Jesus' perfection and the false claim about him being the Creator of the Universe.

    How could satan offer Jesus the earth if he knew that Jesus was his and the earth's Creator?

    Jesus in the Bible GUARANTEED Paradise to non-Trinitarians and even non-Christians who are Monotheists. I further proved that the Bible's interpretation by trinitarian Christians is bogus. According to the verses mentioned in the article, Jesus in the NT is clearly not the only salvation to GOD Almighty. Otherwise, we are left with a major CONTRADICTION in the Bible between Jesus being the only salvation to GOD Almighty, and Jesus not being the only one. At any rate, the most ironic thing of all is that trinity is all based on man's interpretation. The word itself, "trinity", does not even exist in the Bible. Not even once! Yet, it is the central faith to most Christians today.

    "Jesus is my lord and savior" actually CONTRADICTS the Old Testament. The Old Testament clearly talks about Believing in One GOD Almighty and doing Righteousness saving you. No need for mediators (Jesus or idols) between you and GOD Almighty, your Creator.

    Questions about Jesus and Trinity that Trinitarian Christians don't have logical answers for.

    Jesus is the "Word" in both the Bible and the Noble Quran.

    The Sahih Muslim Hadiths say that Jesus is GOD Almighty's Word and Spirit - Does this mean that Jesus is Allah Almighty?

    Jesus' Miracles were not unique in the Bible.

    The Bible directly claims that ANY "Son of GOD" is a "God"! (Refutation to Jesus' being God meaning that he is GOD Almighty).

    The definition of "Son of God" in Islam.

    Son of GOD: Some Muslims' Misconception.

    "Son of Man" does not mean "GOD" or "Son of GOD"

    Can we trust the Son of Man?

    "Son of God" literally means "Servant of God" in Hebrew. Bible agrees with Islam, not with pagan trinity and today's wrong and twisted translations of "Son of God".

    Obvious mistranslations of the Hebrew Manuscripts. See proofs of alterations and deceptions done by the Jews and Christians to disprove Islam in the Bible.

    How can Jesus be GOD Almighty when he asked for GOD's Forgiveness?

    Jesus the "Alpha and Omega". Not only this quote doesn't prove Jesus as GOD, but it was also written in a book that is unreliable in later bibles. In the original Bibles, the quote doesn't even exist!!

    Arche of the Creation of God as Alpha and Omega. The "Alpha and Omega" doesn't even exist in the original Bibles! It's a lie that was later inserted by trinitarians. See the historical proofs in the article. If their site is down, then you can read the article at this link ON MY SITE.

    Does Jesus saying "I am" prove that he is GOD? See how the Hebrew "I am" that Jesus said is different than the Hebrew "I am" that GOD Almighty said in the OT.

    Jesus Said He Was God?

    Do People and Angels bowing down to Jesus in Worship really prove that he is the Creator of the Universe? See how the word "Worship" used for Jesus doesn't even exist in the original Greek Bibles. The Trinitarian English translations are nothing but hoaxes and deceptions. The article responds to Matthew 15:9 and other English mistranslated verses in the Bible. Also, what about when David "prostrated" with his face down to the ground to Saul? Was David worshiping Saul?

    Is the Prophet Daniel God?

    Answering John 1:1.

    Examining John 1:1 - Part I.
    - Part II.

    Doesn’t John 1:1 prove that Jesus is God?

    Hebrews 5:7-8 confirm Islam's claim about Jesus never got crucified and contradicts the Bible! According to the documentary film, "Banned from the Bible", which I watched on the History Channel, some of Saint Peter's apocalypse were banned from the current Bible, and these Epistles contain what Islam claims - that Jesus didn't get crucified on the cross and it only appeared that he was. This banned part also says that Jesus was standing next to the cross laughing. These are the parts of the Bible that only few people in the world know about.

    According to the documentary film, the apocalypse was very popular among Christians during the 2nd century. They believed "it was spiritually inspired" by GOD Almighty to Saint Peter. They actually had doubts about "John's apocalypse", which is known today as "the Book of Revelation". Interestingly also, this apocalypse says that after GOD Almighty fills both Heaven and Hell with inhabitants from Mankind, and the people of Hell get tortured for a long period of time, the People of Heaven will ask and Pray to GOD Almighty to Forgive the people of Hell. GOD Almighty will then eventually listen to their Prayers, and will order the "Gates and the Steel Bars of Hell" to be opened and allow the people of Hell to enter Heaven for Good. This apocalypse of Peter seems to also perfectly fit Noble Verse 7:40 in the Noble Quran where Allah Almighty Promised that He will eventually open the Gates of Heaven to all disbelievers and empty Hell. Please visit: Hell will eventually be empty according to Islam.

    Chapter Psalm 91 clearly and indisputably confirms that Jesus never got crucified!

    Did Isaiah 53 really prophesies about the crucifixion of Jesus?
    It supports Islam's claims about Jesus peace be upon him never died on the cross. I also addressed John 19:36-37 from the Bible and proved that Jesus never got crucified, since GOD Almighty promised that he will protect Jesus' body and not let even a single bone be broken. My question to all Christians is: How in the world is it possible for the feet to get nailed on the cross without any penetration to the bones by the nails, hence breaking part of the feet's bones?! I also added refutations to Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, Zechariah 12:10 and Psalm 34:20, which supposedly prove the Christians' belief about Jesus crucifixion. I proved that this dogma has no truth what so ever and exposed the wrong Trinitarian English translation of Zechariah 12:10. I also showed in Isaiah 52:13 "...he will be raised and lifted up....", which clearly and perfectly agrees with Islam about Jesus never died on the cross. "Raised and lifted" suggests that Jesus will be picked up right from the cross, or saved right from the cross by Allah Almighty. It suggests that Jesus will not die, nor get crucified, but rather be raised and lifted by GOD Almighty to Heavens.

    Brother Abdullah Smith wrote an excellent on Isaiah 53 article at:

    The Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53.
    - Part II.
    - Part III.

    None of Jesus' disciples witnessed the crucifixion. They "all fled" and "deserted" Jesus. This further confirms Islam's claims.

    Jesus was never "disfigured beyond human recognition" in the New Testament as the Old Testament predicted!

    Did Jews continually try to stone Jesus prove that he claimed to be GOD?

    Is Jesus God because some of the Jews accused him of making himself as God?

    Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Does that make him GOD?

    Did Jesus ever claim to be "Mighty God" or "God"? Responding to the "I and the Father are one. (John 10:30)" claim.

    John 10:30, I and My Father are One.

    Jesus claimed that whoever saw him saw the Father. Wouldn't that prove that Jesus is GOD Himself (i.e., the Creator of the Universe)?

    Thomas is misunderstood in verse John 20:28.

    Do chapter Psalm 110 and Matthew 22:41-46 ("The LORD said to my Lord") prove that Jesus is the Creator of the Universe?
    # My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Examining Psalm 110:1" article.

    Is Jesus Yahweh?

    Jesus' crucifixion and the end of the World.

    Christians Use of Jesus Being Called The Lamb Of God And Him Taking Away The Sins Of The World.

    Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's article on Jesus admitting that only the Father is the only true GOD.

    The Evolution on the character of Jesus in the New Testament Gospels.

    Is Jesus God Because He Said That His Words Will Never Pass Away?

    Why Didn't Jesus Plainly Say He Was God?

    Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's Article "Thomas's Confession 'My Lord and my God!'"

    Who is Jesus?

    Is Jesus God because He said Honor him as you Honor the Father?

    Is Jesus God because He Forgave Sins?

    Paul the Prisoner of Jesus Christ.

    (c) Other "Trinity?" Verses:

    Pat Robertson is a perfect example of how trinity causes brain damage to its deceived followers!

    The Beliefs of Christians is Similar to that of the Pagans according to Saint Justin Martyr.

    Does calling Jesus "Son of God" prove that he is GOD?

    Does Psalm 16:8-11 refer to Jesus' resurrection as the book of Acts suggest?

    Does Psalm 2:7 refer to Jesus or King David?

    "Son of Man" does not mean "GOD" or "Son of GOD"

    Can we trust the Son of Man?

    Does Genesis 1:1-3 really refer to Trinity?

    Does Genesis 19:24 really prove Trinity?

    Philippians 2 is not a Trinity "Proof Text".

    Proverbs 8 contains no proof of Trinity!

    Does Baptizing prove Trinity?

    "Jesus" does not mean "God saves".

    Does the word "Messiah" really mean GOD?

    Rebuttal to the lie about the Arabic name "Eesa (Jesus)" originating from Hindu and Pagan gods.

    Jesus' original name is Eesa. See detailed proofs from Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic.

    Jacob does not mean "fought with GOD" as many Christians believe.

    (d) Other verses on paganism in Christianity:

    Persecution of Early Unitarian Churches in Malabar, Abyssinia and Ireland.

    The pagan Christianity's Trinity is the same as the Hindu's Trinity.

    Chapter 3: The Christian Holidays and the Christian Calendar.

    Who are we to please?

    Some Christians do worship Mary!

    Is the Noble Quran wrong regarding Mary?

    Contradictions in Trinity.

    The Nature of Jesus in the Bible refutes Trinity.

    The Trinity belief fails the exam.

    Historical background of the Trinity.

    The Creed of St. Athanasius.

    The Doctrine of the TRINITY...Mystery or Confusion?

    Jewish and Muslim sites that disprove Trinity.

    Contradictions In the Resurrection Story.

    What language did Jesus really speak during his ministry?

    Funny Trinity. Some humor about Trinity that is true.

    Jesus was never crucified according to the Gospel of Barnabas.

    2- History of Man's Corruption in the Bible:

    * Christians believe that the Gospels of John, Matthew, Luke and Mark are GOD Almighty's Revelations/Inspirations. Where does it say so in their Gospels? And where do we see anyone claiming ownership of those Gospels?

    History of Man's Corruption in the Bible. The Bible was not even written by the Prophets of GOD and the Disciples of Jesus.

    Is the entire Bible truly the Word of GOD?

    The lie of 1 John 5:7.

    The lie of 1 John 5:7 and Timothy 3:16.

    Contradicting translations on 1 John 5:7.

    The invalidity of the Trinity belief from the Theologians' views.

    Christian Scholars refuting the status of the NT as an inspired scripture. (19 detailed sections filled with many quotes).

    Who were the real authors of the Bible?

    The original Bible was lost! See comments from the NIV Bible itself. No one ever claimed ownership of the current Gospels. The owners/writers are unknown.

    Books mentioned in the Bible that are not part of the "Today's Bible".

    Contradictions in 2 Timothy 3:16.

    Is the Bible 100% faultless and unhampered with by the Church?

    Where did our modern Bibles come from? Grave defects in the Bible.

    Where did the discarded verses come from in the first place?

    How many books of the Bible are 'truly inspired'?

    How did the Church handle the "differences in the Bibles" problem?

    Where did the King James Bible come from?

    How did the Church explain all these centuries of tampering?

    82% of the words of Jesus are not his.

    Did mankind tamper with the Old Testament?

    When is a book an 'inspired' book?

    Ancient paganism and the dangers of compromise.

    Pagans influence in the Christians' methods of worship today.

    Famous Theologians and Historians believe that Paul was not truthful.

    The authors of the New Testament have conflicts with each others. How about for Paul to punch Peter on the face?? That would've been "inspired", wouldn't it?

    The Gospel of John: Gospel or Gossip?

    Why do Muslims only believe in Jesus' personal quotes from the Bible?

    A dangerous forgery was inserted at the end of the so-called "Gospel of Mark"

    "Son of GOD" conflict between the Bible and the Noble Quran.

    Are most Christians of today idol worshipers?

    The Bible says: The earth is flat!

  10. Salam sejahtera kpd org yg beriman,bacalah dengan niat untuk mengkaji,bukankah kamu suka mengkaji,wahai Muhammad?adakah disebabkan oleh hadith yang kamu ragu itu,kamu murtad?Kumpln Anti-Hadith mmg sesat ker mnolak Sunnah Nabi Muhammad,mgapa perlu diikuti?Di mana pegangan akidahmu semasa imanmu goyah dulu..ALLAH MAHA ESA,kamu sndri prnh khatam Al-Quran,surah Al-Ikhlas sdh ckup utk mnerangkan ALLAH ITU MAHA SATU dan MAHA AGUNG.Takutlah kamu kpd ALLAH,brdoalah smoga kamu ditemui dgn agma ALLAH yg sbnr iaitu islam,Dalm quran,tiada pun perktaan Kristian,mgapa kamu prcya ia agma yg bnr?ALLAH brfrman dlm kitab Al-Quran yg suci dgn mybutkan MUSLIMIN iaitu orang-orang ISLAM,buktinya di dlm surah Al-Qalam ayat 35,tgk terjemahan atau tafsir Quran dlm bhsa melyu or Indon..Carilah kebenaran ini sblm ALLAH mencabut nyawamu nanti...sesungguhnya stp mnusia akan mati dan berada di dlm kubur seorng dri,tiada siapa yg mnolongmu jika kamu tlh tersesat drp agama ALLAH yg sbnr,ISLAM itu maksudnya selamat dan ditrunkan olh ALLAH mlalui Kitab Al-Quran,bkan Bible yg tdk tahu kesahihannya..pd pgtahuan saya,agama Kristian itu diasaskan oleh Saint Paul,padahal dia adlh org yg sesat dlm ajran Nabi Isa a.s dan telah mmbunuh pengikut setia Nabi Isa a.s iaitu org yg beriman kpd ALLAH..Saint Paul juga telah mngubah hukum Nabi Isa iaitu kewajipan bersunat utk lelaki.Bagaimana musuh Nabi Isa a.s sndri yg blh mengasaskan ajaran Kristian ini padahal Nabi Isa beriman kepada ALLAH MAHA SATU..Fikir dan kajilah dgn akal yg ALLAH anugerahkan kpdmu jika kamu cintakan KEBENARAN..Jgn prcaya bulat2 dgn kepercayaan sseorang,berusahalah mengkaji dan mencari AGAMA YANG BENAR,jgn putus asa,Tuhan itu Maha Pemurah,belajarlah dari sumber yg betul dan diiktiraf oleh ulama- dan ahli agama,bkn dari kumplan yg mmg terang2 sesat,Alhamdulillah,saya dipilih ALLAH mnjadi seorng MUSLIM sejak berada dlm rahim ibu saya lagi sampailah sekarang ini,sudah 19 thn sy muslim dan smoga ALLAH mmatikan saya dlm ISLAM..untuk mnjadi seorang muslim yg sejati,dia hndaklah brpegang dgn Jamaah AHLI SUNNAH WAL JAMAAH kerana ia BENAR,bknnya jamaah lain spt KUMPULAN ANTI-HADITH..Saya sedih kerana kamu gagal mempertahankan IMAN kamu semasa mnjadi MUSLIM dahulu,mmg benarlah ALLAH MEWAJIBKAN SETIAP MUSLIM BELAJAR,FAHAM DAN PEGANG DENGAN AKIDAH ISLAM YG SBENAR SUPAYA MEREKA TIDAK MUDAH TERGUGAT DAN TERSESAT DGN pegangan AGAMA LAIN..SAYA MERAYU DAN BERHARAP KPD KAMU,WAHAI MUHAMAD SUPYA MENGKAJI DAN MEMBANDINGKAN SETULUS HATI ANTRA ISLAM DAN KRISTIAN.ISLAM TDK MEMAKSA TTP MAHU ORANG YG SDH BALIGH BERFIKIR DAN MENGKAJI SNDRI..HARAP MUHAMAD FHM DAN MAAFKAN SAYA JIKA TERKASAR BHSA..SY HNYA MYAMPAIKAN KEBENARAN..SIAPALAH SAYA.

    The Bible claims that the Jews are GOD's "Chosen People". Yet, neither Moses nor Jesus nor several other Prophets liked the Jews!

    The old Jewish trick about Jews received the highest number of Prophets which then makes them GOD Almighty's "Chosen People" is nothing but a deception. In fact, it is a bad thing for the Jews that GOD Almighty kept sending them Prophets who many of them ended up getting killed anyway by the Jews themselves according to the Saying of Jesus peace be upon him below. We need to know that neither Moses nor Jesus nor many of the Prophets in the Bible really liked Jews! Let us look at the following:

    From Moses:

    "And it came to pass, when Moses had made an end of writing the words of this law in a book, until they were finished, That Moses commanded the Levites(Jews), which bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD, saying, Take this book of the law, and put it in the side of the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, that it may be there for a witness against thee. For I know thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck: behold, while I am yet alive with you this day, ye have been rebellious against the LORD; and how much more after my death? Gather unto me all the elders of your tribes, and your officers, that I may speak these words in their ears, and call heaven and earth to record against them. For I know that after my death ye will become utterly corrupt, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you in the latter days; because ye will do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger through the work of your hands. (Deuteronomy 31:25-29)"

    From Jeremiah:

    "How can you say, 'We [The Jews] are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie. (From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

    From Jesus:

    "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing. (From the NIV Bible, Matthew 23:37)"

    Please visit Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible.

    Why did Allah Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted?

    The Jews were corrupt! They corrupted the Word of GOD Almighty. Like Jeremiah 8:8, the Noble Quran clearly states it:

    "But on account of their breaking their covenant We cursed them (Jews and Christians) and made their hearts hard; they altered the words from their places and they neglected a portion of what they were reminded of; and you shall always discover treachery in them excepting a few of them; so pardon them and turn away; surely Allah loves those who do good (to others). (The Noble Quran, 5:13)"

    "O Apostle! let not those grieve thee, who race each other into unbelief: (whether it be) among those who say "We believe" with their lips but whose hearts have no faith; or it be among the Jews,- men who will listen to any lie,- will listen even to others who have never so much as come to thee. They change the words from their (right) times and places: they say, 'If ye are given this, take it, but if not, beware!' If any one's trial is intended by God, thou hast no authority in the least for him against God. For such - it is not God's will to purify their hearts. For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment. (The Noble Quran, 5:41)"

    Perhaps, that is why Allah Almighty decided to end His Message/Revelations with the Arabs, the other part of the Middle Eastern society that has not been polluted and unhampered by the burden of age-old prejudicies.

  11. mo org bilang apa,..tetep Islam is the right way...

    Hai org2 kristen, hindu, budha, ato agama laennya., segeralah bertobat sebelum Allah meletakkan kalian di neraka.

  12. Segala puji, hormat, kemuliaan, dan sembah hanya bagi ALLAH dan ANAK DOMBA yang duduk di atas Takhta Tertinggi.

  13. Junjunglah agama yg benar yaitu Islam.
    Ya Allah, bukakanlah hati dan mata mereka yg tidak menurut atas perintahMu. Amiiiin

  14. assalam.
    weleh2, sodara2 yg dari Islam, maaf nih, janganlah buruk rupa cermin dibelah.
    mari temukan tantangan islam yg sebenarnya di silakan sodara2 Islam ke sana, bantah murtadin yang menghina Islam


  15. - "Anonymous said...

    Junjunglah agama yg benar yaitu Islam.
    Ya Allah, bukakanlah hati dan mata mereka yg tidak menurut atas perintahMu. Amiiiin"

    - "Anonymous said...


    Apa sih Agama Kamu?

  16. Yesus itu Anak ny siapa to?? mohon penjelasanya ...makasih:)

  17. Yesus itu Anak ny siapa to?? mohon penjelasanya ...makasih:)

  18. hai lhho yang nyebut Yesus itu anak siapa? lho agamanya apa? mungkin lho ngerasa agama lhho benar dan paling sempurana tapi g usah sembarangan mulut lho itu ngomong. emang lhho tau muhammad SAW anak siapa. kalau lho mau komentar tuh komentari si AAA GYYMMM lho yang kondang itu (Kondang Ngentot) kalau dia Kyai yang bener ngapain istrinya dan satu lagi tuh SSyyyeeehhh PPuuuJJiii yang juga doyan ngentot sampai anak kecil mau dikentotnya. tuh lu ceramah noh ma dia sampai dia bertobat supaya kontol2nya mereka ga gatal. bukan lho ngurusin agama orang lain. SBY aja nyantai2 aja tuh napa lhho yang Reseh nyebut Tuhan sembarangan. lhho ga senneng gw ladenin mau dimana lhho adu ilmu gw. berani lho gw jabani

  19. ini ada tambahan bonus dari gw biar lhho belajar sendiri menilai agama llhooo yang sempurna itu

    Postby sinar » Sat Oct 25, 2008 12:46 pm


    1. Apakah Nabi Muhammad seorang Nabi?
    Jawab: Bukan, karena nabi tidak bisa mati diracun dan muhammad mati diracun.
    Referensi: ... i_Muhammad

    2. Apakah Al-Quran sempurna dan tidak ada kesalahan?
    Jawab: Tidak karena ada banyak kesalahan seperti kesalahan hitung, tata bahasa, salah dalam teknologi, dan lain-lain.
    - ... _Al-Qur'an
    - ... alam_Quran
    - ... _Al-Qur'an
    - Lainnya di:'an

    3. Apakah Nabi Muhammad pernah berzinah?
    Jawab: Pernah, dia pernah menggauli seorang budak Hafsa, Maria.
    - ... Disetubuhi

    4. Apakah hanya orang Islam yang melarat, bodoh dan ingin uang saja yang murtad?
    Jawab: Tidak, banyak orang kaya, profesor, kaum terdidik, Mullah dan lain sebagainya yang keluar dari Islam.
    - ... lkan_Islam

    5. Apakah Islam menghalalkan perampokan dan penjarahan?
    Jawab: Iya, bahkan dalam Al-Quran dijelaskan pembagian harta jarahan.
    Referensi: ... alam_Islam

    6. Apakah Islam menghalalkan perzinahan dan pemerkosaan?
    Jawab: Iya, di Al Quran dikatakan kalau perzinahan dengan budak dan tawanan perang diperbolehkan.
    Referensi: ... rkosaan%3F

    7. Apakah Nabi Muhammad seorang Pedophilia yang suka meniduri anak kecil dibawah umur?
    Jawab: Iya, dibuktikan dengan pernikahannya dengan Aisyah saat beumur 6 tahun dan menggaulinya saat 9 tahun dan masih bermain dengan boneka.
    - ... a_50_Tahun
    - ... ia_6_Tahun

    silahkan pahami dan kalau mau bertobat mangga dengan senang hati saya akan menuntun anda

  20. Untuk NASYILA MIRDADDecember 20, 2009 at 5:36 AM




  21. makasih untuk Tuhan n temen2 smua..
    smoga Tuhan kita mengampuni smua dosa dan slalu menjga kita.. Love u All..

  22. 1. tiada tuhan selain ALLAH SWT dan nabi Muhammad ialah utusan ALLAH SWT.
    dengan demikian kami mengimani tuhan itu satu yaitu ALLAH. Dia tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakan. Maha Suci ALLAH SWT dari hal-hal yang demikian.

  23. "Tidak ada keselamatan di dalam siapa pun selain di dalam Yesus Kristus. Yesus adalah kasih,mengasihi setiap manusia,yang percaya kepadaNya pasti masuk surga.Yesus Lahir untuk semua orang dan mati bagi orang percay"Amin

  24. itu benar mbak...u adalah gadis pemenang

  25. teman2 qw seplanet, sebangsa,setanah air... gx ush sling mghina,, gx da gunanya.. kita sama2 merasa benar.. kita tunggu ja nti diwaktu hari kiamat...saat itulah waktu yang tepat dan akurat untuk menjawab siapa yang benar...

    jgn smpe' hnya krna soal kprcayaan, ahrnya trjadi DISINTEGRASI.... Okey tman2

  26. seperti kata pepatah mengatakan
    tong kosong nyaring bunyinya....
    begitulah kebanyakan org2 islam..dia tidak tau apa2 tntg kristen
    tp mulutnya berkicau kayak pantat ayam.
    saya pernah membaca artikel di majalah tempo yg brisi
    tentang beberapa ilmuan yg beragama islam dan brwarga negara mesir dan jerman yg mengkaji naskah2 kuno.
    dikatakan bhwa al.quran itu adalah jiplakan dr bibel.kita tau bhwa agama islam itu adalah agama yg bru muncul kepermukaan..
    dan sisa lainnya dari isi al.quran itu adalah hanya puisi2 karangan si muhamad dn dia berdalih itu adalah wahyu.

    dari beberapa ahli sejarah eropa mengatakan bhwa islam itu menyebarkan agamanya dgn perang. makanya sampe skrg dimana dibelahan didunia ini
    sumber keributan itu pasti islam..wajar aja wong ajarannya aja perang.

    asal tau aja penafsiran al quran itu tidak pernah konsisten alias plinplan. org islam slalu mengangkat teks2 yg menjelekkan agama lain sedangkan
    teks2 yg isinya benar dan condong membela agama lain itu diredupkan dr ajaran islam oleh org islam itu sndiri.
    alhasil generasi muda islam skrg muncullah yg bego2 spt burung beo yg ikut2 aja sama yg lain.

    kenapa teks al quran tdk diterjemahkan dalam bhasa lain spt agama lain.
    wajar spya anak2 kecil (yg sdah bsa mmbaca) yg polos tidk bsa membacanya dan mengetahui arti aslinya.
    alhasil jdilah anak2 islam yg taunya komat kamit dgn suara mantranya tp tdk tau artinya.
    dan klw sudah kira2 dwasa barulah dia didoktrin dngn mengartikan al quran yg salah..

    maaf walawpun saya muslim dan sedang blajar agama islam dan falsafahnya tp saya mau mengungkap yg sebenarnya tntg islam..walawpun sbnrnya itu rahasia org islam.

    1. Woi demi Alloh...yg anda katakan fitnah besar dan saya yakin anda mungkin seorang muslim...,laknatulloh...mana dalilnya klo Alquran tidak konsisten...dari jaman turunnya Alquran sampe skrang tdak pernah berubah makna jangan makan titik koma aja tidak ada yg berubah...klo mau debat kita buat debat terbuka aja...bawa teman anda yg ahli kitab anda untuk kita buat pertemuan debat terbuka...yakin yg perang itu islam..,bukannya amerika itu yg teroris..,seperti yg terjadi di afaganistan dengan keji mreka mmbunuh anak di bwah umur...jangan mnjadi pecundang yg beraninya cuma di blog aja

  27. Salam sejahtara,
    Kebenaran memang harus diberitakan dangan cara panyampaian yang penuh kasih agar mereka yang belum percaya supaya mendengar. Sebaikanya, suadarku yang kristen yang menjawab atas pertanyaan kawan muslim, menggunakan kalimat/kata-kata yang lebih sederhana/rinci, agar kawan2 muslim bisa lebih memahami maksudnya, kerena kita tidak bisa memaksakan mereka untuk langsung mengerti, tidak seperti kita yang memang dari lahir/sejak kecil sudah diajarkan tentang Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus. Soal mereka mau percaya/tidak, itu bukan urusan kita lagi, jadi jangan ada yang emosi/marah, sabarlah dan santun untuk menjawab atas segala pertanyaan, karena di blog ini "BILA TIDAK ADA PERTANYAAN, TIDAK MUNGKIN ADA PEMBERITAAN". Yang penting Injil sudah diberitakan, saya yakin dan percaya pada saat anda memberitakan Injil, Roh Kudus hadir ditengah anda.

    O,, ya... kemarin saya membaca blog yang sangat menarik dan sangat bermanfaat khusus untuk orang yang masih mencari Jalan Kebanaran dan Hidup :

    Selamat memberitakan Kabar Baik. GBU.

  28. Another reason why I left Islam is that Quran is full of internal contradictions, scientific errors and historical blunders. Muslims claim that Quran is ‘a miracle of miracles.’ This statement is a blatant and greatest lie ever told. Here are a few samples of contradictions in Quran: examples of internal contradictions-- 54:19 mentions Aad was destroyed in a day but 69:6,7 mentions Aad was destroyed in seven nights and eight days; 19:17 shows an angel appeared to Mary but 3:42 shows several angels appeared; 28:40 mentions pharaoh drowned and died but 10:92 states that the same pharaoh was saved; examples of scientific errors--18:86 states that sun sets in a muddy spring of water; 15:19 mentions earth is flat; 86:6,7 states that semen emits from between back-bone and the ribs; examples of historical blunders—19:27,28 states that Mary was the sister of Aaron, whereas history shows they were born about 1300 years apart; 28:8 tells that pharaoh and Haman were living at the same time and place whereas history clearly shows they were born about 1000 years apart and pharaoh lived in Egypt and Haman lived in Shushan city in Persia; and 4:157 says that Jesus was not crucified whereas it is crystal clear in historical records that Jesus was crucified and not another man who looked like Jesus. By the way, the transliterated name of Jesus in arabic Quran is Isa but even this is wrong because the name of Esau, brother of Jacob (Yaqub in arabic) is Isa in arabic. The correct transliterated name of Jesus in arabic is Yasu. Isa (Esau) means ‘hairy’ and Yasu (Jesus) means ‘God saves.’ Muslims tell so many lies to cover up all internal contradictions, scientific errors and historical blunders in Quran. Any sane person can become sick of Muslim apologists’ deception and lies of ‘out of context,’ ‘bad translation’ and ‘arabic Quran can not be translated’ to hide and conceal the contradictions in the Quran.

  29. Saya juga mendapat hikmat dan intuisi dari Tuhan bahwasannya Martin Luther itu adalah seorang pengajar sesat ( anti Kristus/Nabi Palsu) yang sangat anti Yahudi/anti-Semit/Anti Israel. Dulunya saya juga tidak tahu bahwa Martin Luther ternyata adalah kaki tangan setan yang melayani Yesus yang lain,injil yang yang lain dan roh yang lain,bukan Tuhan Yesus Raja Orang Yahudi (Tuhan Yesus Yang di Alkitab). Saya diajarkan melalui persekutuan pendalaman iman/sekolah Alkitab bahwa Martin Luther adalah seorang Reformator Gereja yang dipakai Tuhan,sehingga tanpa saya sadari saya juga telah masuk dalam perangkap penipuan dan penyesatan iblis karena telah mengagumi tulisan Luther. Tetapi setelah saya mempelajari Alkitab dan sejarah gereja serta buku yang ditulis Luther,banyak yang menyimpang dan khususnya buku yang dia tulis sebelum dia meninggal yaitu : “The Jews and their Lies”.Akibatnya saya sadar dan meminta ampun sama Tuhan karena telah sadar bahwa saya sedang mempromosikan pekerjaan setan dan pekerjaan roh anti-Kristus/nabi palsu/mesias palsu yang bekerja melalui Marthin Luther. Dan saya membuang semua buku dan Kathekismus Luther karena ajaran sesatnya yang membawa orang Kristen menjadi anti-Kristus dan pengikut Nabi Palsu. Saya bersyukur kepada Tuhan Yesus yang telah membebaskan saya dan melepaskan saya dan mecelikkan mata rohani saya dari ajaran sesat dan saya telah kembali kepada pemelihara jiwa saya Tuhan Yesus Orang Nazareth, Mesiasnya Orang Yahudi, Tuhan Allah Juruselamat Dunia, Gembalaku Yang Baik.Kita harus kembali ke Alkitab Firman Allah bahwa : kita harus mengasihi,mencintai,memberkati,orang-orang Yahudi (umat Israel) dan mendoakan mereka dan bersatu dengan mereka. Karena keselamatan kita orang non Yahudi/non Israel (gereja Kristen) tergantung dari hal-ihwal hubungan antara Tuhan Allah dengan umat pilihan-Nya Israel. Dan Alkitab jelas sekali mengatakannya baik didalam PL maupun di dalam PB..Setan sedang bekerja untuk menyesatkan banyak orang…Firman Allah adalah pedang Roh yang akan melawan roh anti-Kristus dan roh nabi-nabi palsu itu…Tuhan kasih-Mu dan kebenaran-Mu kiranya menjaga aku selalu..Amin.

    Berikut ini LINK yang perlu di baca dan diketahui oleh semua umat Kristen :
