Sunday, January 27, 2008

Miracles in India

In January, 1999 I spent a couple of weeks in India, in the southern State of Kerala. In the course of my trip there I had the opportunity to speak to a number of Christians, and also to unbelievers, telling them about Jesus and what God can do. I also had the opportunity to pray for the sick in Jesus' name.

Quite a number of people were healed of all sorts of medical conditions through faith in the name of Jesus. There were people healed of breathing problems, back problems and a variety of other things. But the one miracle that stood out to me was a young girl brought to me by her father. She was totally deaf mute. I prayed for her one night but nothing seemed to change. The next night she was brought to me and I commanded the deaf-mute spirits to come out of her in Jesus' name. I want to praise God for this, because she actually began, first of all to hear, and then to make sounds for the first time in her life. Many people believed in Jesus because of these healings in this remote Indian village.

All this has resulted in the establishment of a new church in that area. The new pastor, I am told, has a lot of work on his hands - plenty of enquirers. More reports of healing have come back, including one of a lady who was totally blind but is now reading her Bible. To God be the glory!

Jesus said, "These signs will follow those who believe. In my name they will drive out demons, they will speak with new tongues ... they will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." (Mark 16:17,18). How can we expect unbelievers to trust the Word of God if we Christians don't even believe it ourselves? But if we do believe it, then let us act on it ALL, and trust God to confirm His Word with signs following.

Has God appointed anyone to tell believers which parts of the Bible we should no longer believe and act upon? If not, lets get motivated and draw near to God, so we can understand the meaning of Jesus when He said, "All things are possible to those who believe."

Note: This was not my last trip to India. On my next trip to India we recorded more miracles on video tapes. We had 5 hours of testimonies recorded from people healed in those meetings. Even the muslim cameraman got healed of a growth on his arm! To God be the glory.

Brother Michael


  1. Halleluyah puji Tuhan!Saya percaya suatu masa nanti Malaysia juga kan di lawati(bukan saja di lewati malah dilawati)) oleh Tuhan Yesus dengan luar biasa seperti yang berlaku di India..amen..LADANG SUDAH MENGUNING,SIAP UNTUK DI TUAI!

  2. Halleluyah puji Tuhan!Saya percaya suatu masa nanti Malaysia juga kan di lawati(bukan saja di lewati malah dilawati)) oleh Tuhan Yesus dengan luar biasa seperti yang berlaku di India..amen..LADANG SUDAH MENGUNING,SIAP UNTUK DI TUAI!

  3. Yesus adalah Alfa dan Omega yang awal dan yang akhir, penguasa Sorga dan bumi. Haleluya!

  4. Sempena 16 semptember, iaitu hari Malaysia, merupakan tahun ke 50 bagi Malaysia, Tuhan Yesus pasti akan melakukan sesuatu rencana terbesar bagi kita di Malaysai, saya sangat pasti akan pembebasan daripada kekuasaan roh-roh jahat, seperti pada tahun yobel, setiap genap 50 tahun, tawanan akan di beri peluang untuk dibebaskan, begitu juga dengan Malaysia, pastinya ada pembaharuan yang akan berlaku pada tahun ini dan tahun-tahun yang akan datang, kerana Dia yang mahakuasa sendiri telah menyampaikan berita mengenai pembaharuan yang Dia akan lakukan di negara kita Malaysia, syukur puji Tuhan. Marilah kita berdoa agar setiap yang dilakukanNya akan mendatangkan kebaikan kepada kita. AMIN
